Louis sighs and walks inside to see what outfit he had picked. It was nice, very nice, it looked like it costed more than his life.

"Wow." Louis picks up the dark purple suit, it had black trimmings, with a black button down shirt. The shoes placed next to it. Louis was in love with it, it was just his taste.

"Wow isn't a big enough word to describe this custom made Armani, $4,000 tailored suit." H touches the fabric with admiration but Louis eyes just widen.

"4-4,000 dollars?" Louis stammers, H gives him a look of amusement. He almost cracks a smile. Almost.

"It's not about prices it's about quality, imbecile." He said it in lighter tone though. Almost joking.

"How could this be tailored to me if I haven't gotten measured and wouldn't it take months?" Louis questions. H stares at Louis harshly, he had nothing to say for the first time. Think fast.

"Put it on and fix your hair. We'll be waiting downstairs." He pulled himself together quickly and with that he left the room.

Louis followed the directions but when he saw how perfectly the suit fit him, it made him feel uncomfortable. Out of all the things, this is what raised Louis' brow. It was fishy. How would he know?

Louis finally made his way downstairs. He has never felt so sophisticated in his life and he couldn't lie he was feeling himself.

When H saw him, he had to hold his breath, Louis literally took it away. But he couldn't show it.

"Wow, doesn't be clean up nicely?" L teases causing Louis to crack a smile. They all looked like a million bucks and he knew he could never compare with them.

Louis tried to look for any type of emotion on H's face but you of course, nothing. He just walks out the front door and his mates follow. Louis sighs and catches up.

"Bring the Porsche." H demands Z and off he went. Louis heard a garage open, he turns his head and sure enough it was like valet parking. Man, they're RICH. A few minutes pass in silence and here came Z in the drivers seat of the newest model of a Porsche.

"You sit in the back with me. We need to talk."
H whispers to Louis. Louis nods and got a bit nervous. H opens the door and Louis hops in followed by H shortly after. He shuts the door and the car began to move.

"Okay, there's a few things you need to know for tonight. And I need your full undivided attention. Your life is in my hands." H begins. "We are going to the house of Renaldo Hernandez. This is a very powerful man who has invested a lot in me. He is one of the reasons why I am where I am." Okay, interesting. Noted. Louis thinks to himself.

"He is brutal and a bastard, he will backstab anyone to get to where he needs to be. He is exactly what the devil envies. He will kill you if he thinks you are a cop, if he even suspects it, You. Will. Die." Wow this sounds awfully familiar.

"So tonight, you are LT, that's your name, not that disgusting name you already have. You are an unrelenting killer who will do anything to protect me and this gang. Do you understand?" H questions and Louis' head is spinning. What the hell?

"You will stay quiet unless spoken to, and you better not have that high pitched, squeaky voice if you do talk. This man has been doing this for 30 years, he knows every trick, every tick of a cop and he will come for you, seeing you are new. Do. Not. Falter. Do not budge and certainly do not let him get under your skin. Hide every bit of cop you have in you if you want to live through tonight." H was serious, his tone was sharp and his eyes had some emotions, that Louis couldn't read, running through them.

"Why am I going if this is the case? I should just stay here!" Louis says in fear.

H grabs Louis by the throat. Louis has no choice but to look in his eyes. "You are not a bitch, you will make it through, you hear me, if you budge even a little bit I will kill you myself. Because I won't let you fuck anything up for me. Do you understand?" For the first time, H's words has scared him beyond belief. He didn't know what this was, he didn't know why he's going but he knew he had to survive.

H let's go of his throat and Louis coughs, holding his throat. "You've got a lot to prove and it starts tonight."

What was Louis proving? And a more important question. What the fuck was he walking into?

Hey guys!! A better and not depressed me has returned for good! I can't wait to finish this story. I have so many plans and ideas and I can't wait for you to read it! If you've stuck with me through my inconsistency, I love you so much and thank you. I know many has lost interest and I get that but hopefully I'll win them back.

Show some love and I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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