You Lied

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ship: memeulous x reader

The normally blue sky was a dark gray as the rain fell down to earth and onto you. The rain soaked through your shoes but you didn't notice, all you could hear was your footsteps and the rain hitting the pavement. You ran a hand through your hair and felt it becoming wetter but you didn't mind. It all felt familiar, you'd done this before.

It didn't rain often yet today it was pouring outside. Lightning lit up the sky and you began walking a bit faster. You were freezing and your legs hurt from walking all day. You looked down at the ground for a split second when you slammed into someone walking past and they dropped their phone

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I'm such an idiot!" You bent down to pick up their phone and saw a crack going across the screen, nothing major yet you still felt terrible about it.

"No, no it's okay!" The person said, you looked up and saw a man with brown curly hair and green eyes staring at you "it was partially my fault anyways" he laughed. You smiled and handed him back his phone thinking nothing of it.

The wind picked up and you began shaking, you wished you had brought a jacket but you were never the best planner. With every step you heard a small sloshing noise and you began counting your steps, 1, 2, 3, 4...

4:00, you were sat underneath a tree reading a book when something hit your head. You looked around and saw a an old man feeding the birds, a couple holding hands, and a woman helping her toddler walk.

You looked back to your book when this time something hit your arm, you looked behind you and felt someone tapping your shoulder. You squealed and whipped your head around to see the man from earlier.

"Hey! I thought you looked familiar, sorry if I scared you" he laughed "my name's George"

"I'm y/n" you smiled

.... 5, 6, 7, you lost feeling in your hands and feet yet you kept walking 8, 9, 10...

"For the 10th time I am not the 8th dwarf" George said exasperated

"That's something the 8th dwarf would say" you smirked "is Alex bringing food with him cause I'm hungry"

"Nah he's to busy shagging Marriott"

"Thought he was shagging you? Either way it's a bit gay"

"Well yeah, we shag all the time but we say no homo so it doesn't count" George smiled, his eyes lit up and he suddenly jumped up. He grabbed your hand and dragged you out the door

"George what the fuck are you doing"

"Getting food, now shut up or you don't get any" he laughed.

The wind blew harder and harder, tears ran down your already soaked face and you could hardly keep your eues open. You brushed the wet hair out of your face and kicked a rock down the sidewalk. Your phone buzzed.

You quickly typed a response

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You quickly typed a response

You quickly typed a response

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t's nice having someone to worry about you but you didn't want anyone to. All you wanted was to be alone. It was all you knew.

"GEORGE!!" You squealed as he tackled you onto the floor

"Why did you dm belle delphine on my phone?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows

"You haven't gotten laid in ages I'm being a good friend, OOH LOOK! She's typing"

George nabbed his phone back from you and smacked your shoulder

"No she wasn't!"

You stepped off the sidewalk and onto a muddy grass field. Your feet sank into the dirt yet you persisted. You took a deep breath and felt the rain slow and it eventually came to a stop. You looked around and saw the sun ever so slightly peeking out from behind the clouds, the wind stopped and it suddenly was quiet. You kept walking as the sun slowly came from behind the clouds, lighting up the field. Eventually you came to a stop.

You knelt down to the ground, wiping your hands off on your soaked jeans. You didn't want to look at what was in front of you, you knew what it was but it still terrifyed you every time.

"George, will you ever leave me?"

"What? of course not" he turned to you "you're my best friend y/n!"

"You sure?" you mumbled looking at the floor

"100%" he pulled you into a hug "I promise I'll never ever leave you".

You looked up and read the same thing you did every Friday.

Here lies George Owen Andrew


"In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place

no one else can fill"

A single tear ran down your cheek as you whispered

"You lied George"


this is so shit lmao i am so sorry sjsjsj

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