who wrote names?

390 14 1

Early morning...

The bus was nearing Himachal pradesh...

Suddenly the bus got break down...

Siddhant as well as Roli wake up...

Roli realised herself on his shoulder...

Roli swiftly moved away...

Siddhant too took his hand from her shoulder...

Driver: Please all get down.. Tyre need to be changed... it will take some time...

All got down from the bus...

They were talking with each other in groups...

Roli was disturbed...

She didn't talk anything with anyone...

She started walking slowly...

Siddhant was wondering where is she going...

Siddhant; Mala... Roli is going somewhere.. let me go behind her & check...

Mala: What if the bus got ready.. we need to go...

Siddhant: if the bus get ready.. you all proceed... i will bring Roli to the room as i know that place...

Mala: Ok...

Siddhant went behind Roli...

Roli started walking in the forest...

Siddhant followed her... he was not interested to disturb her...

Instead wanted to know about her search...

After an hour of walk... Roli reached near the mango tree...

She caresses the tree trunk and got tears...

Siddhant went behind her...

Siddhnat: Roli... why are you crying...

Roli: Who told you to come behind me... Leave me alone...

Siddhant: Roli.. how can i leave you alone in this forest...

Roli: What bothers you... why are you behind me.. why cant you leave me alone...

Roli shouted and went to other side of the trunk...

Roli noticed their names marked in the tree...

Roli: Siddhant.. what is this???

Siddhant: What???

Roli: How can you do this??? who told you to do this???

Siddhant: What i did???

Roli: Dont try to act innocent ok.. who told you to make our names in this tree...

Siddhant was surprised & went there...

His eyes widened seeing their names on the tree...

Siddhant: Roli.. i didn't do this...

Roli: Then who did??? We both alone are here...

Siddhant: I am sure.. i didn't do this.. may be you might have...

Roli: How dare you...

Siddhant: Roli.. this mark is not even looking like new one while you are blaming me...  i just came behind you.. how come i might have made this...

Roli: Then how is this possible... who might have did this...

Siddhant: who knows.. leave it Roli.. come lets go back to bus...

Roli: No.. i wish to stay here for sometime.. you go...

Roli turned against him...

Siddhant: Roli.. i cant leave you & go.. did you understand...

Roli: Look.. if you are coming behind me.. then i need to complaint about you...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant: Is it.. you are going to complaint.. then complaint about this too...

Siddhant swiftly turned her towards him & wrapped his hand around her...

He pulled her closer & moved towards her lips...

Roli who was shocked on hearing those words like 'then complaint about this too...' was more shocked on his action...

Unknown to her.. tears started scrolling on her eyes & she closed her eyes...

In a while.. she wrapped her hand around him & started responding to his passionate kiss...

Roli & Siddhant were lost from the materialistic world & were dwelling in their own world...

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