Chapter 6 | Rescuing Children

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'Okay Y/N!' I thought confidently. 'I will um...' I thought for a moment. My brain cells just escaped. Oops. 'Flirt with him now that I know what he said?' My brain asked. 

I blushed at the thought. 'nOOO! We literally went over how I didn't like him like that last night!' 

But then I realized that I was arguing with my brain, and that's not normal. Is it? No, never mind. But maybe it is. DAMN IT I'M ARGUING AGAIN! 

'Okay once more!' I thought tiredly. 'I will not do... anything...?' 


'That's the better option. I'll play it off like I didn't know what he said.' I decided to just go with that. I flipped my hair over my shoulders and hopped out of bed. 

Yep. I thought all of that in bed. 

I am.. very efficient. I think. 

I stretched and heard cracking which um, made me uncomfortable. It's like... snap crackle pop! Nope, never mind, that's just Rice Krispies. 

I walked to the bathroom and rubbed my eyes as I looked at myself in the mirror-- (much like the prologue, yay! :D) I know I had 'bed head' hair but.. I don't really care. It doesn't even matter. 'Hmm... Snufkin thinks I'm pretty..' 

I put my fingers at my chin in a thinking manner as I leaned forward at the mirror, staring at myself. 


Okay so then I walked out of the bathroom after I tamed my hair a bit. 

... what? I did not do it for him. 

Don't you call me a tsundere! 

And I ALREADY said that I didn't like him. ... anyway, so what was really bothering me was that I was still wearing the same clothes! Like... ew! 

Fictional characters wear the same clothing everyday but they look good while doing so! 'I seriously need to get some new clothes...' I thought, pinching the ends of my shirt. 'I'll ask Moominmamma.' I thought as I walked down the stairs. 

"Mo--" I started but I yawned. I rubbed my eyes again and repeated, "Moominmammaaaaa--" I sighed tiredly, slumping into a chair and putting my head against the table. 

"Good morning Y/N!" She said, pretty optimistically. She stopped flipping the pancakes and turned to look at me. "What's wrong? Did you not get a lot of sleep last night?" She asked, concern lacing her voice.

'I was up all night thinking about Snu--' I stopped my thoughts. 'NOOOOOO! NOT THIS AGAINNN!' I screeched in my head.

I put my head in my hands. "Yeah, I got some sleep. I'm just not a morning person at all." I said, lying blatantly. But I don't think she noticed.

Moominmamma slid the pancakes onto a plate and wiped her hands on a towel. "You need to get more sleep." She scolded in a motherly way. She reminded me of my mom, actually. "I know, I know." I groaned. 

"I was, um," I stuttered, "thinking about stuff all night."

Moominmamma looked at me, then to the pan. Then to me, then back at the pan. She smiled as if she knew something or she was proud. 


"Moominmamma I..." I hesitated. "I think I need new clothes." 

"Oh, okay!" She said casually.

"Really?" I was surprised. But I remembered what a nice personality she had. And that made me feel warm.

She nodded. "Yes, I can sew some for you today." She said. "Don't look so guilty! It isn't a big deal." She reassured me, kindly.

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