After getting out of the shower and dressed into a pair of black short shorts, a red tank top, and my black and red high tops I look at the time and it is 10:30. I pull my hair up into a ponytail seeing as I’ll be re-doing my hair later. I walk to the bed and jump on it waking Jade up.

“You ready to go sister” I ask still jumping on the bed.

“Heck yes, let’s go” Jade says jumping up and putting back on her shoes.

“Where are all the guys” I ask Jade.

“They are all going to help Max with everything.”

“Oh that sucks”

“Hey we stayed behind to help you beautiful ladies” Chad says trying to put on his charm.

“Whatever playboy” I laugh at him.

“Awe Aria your words wound me” He fakes sadness and puts his hand over his heart.

“Awe I’m sorry Chad here make you feel better” I say pretending to give him a kiss then push him against the wall and take off running.

“I will get you for that Aria” he laughs.

I laugh and catch up with Chase. “Hey you what’s up?”

“Nothing just thinking” He says sulkingly.

“Wanna talk about it” I ask.

“Nah not right now”

“Okay but when you want to I’m here okay”

“Thanks Aria” he says with a small smile.

“No problem Brother” I say giving him a bigger smile. He smiles back at me a genuine smile. Out of nowhere I feel myself being lifted and thrown over someone’s shoulder.

“Chad put me down” I scream hitting him on the back but it does nothing, stupid werewolf.

“Not until you give me a kiss Doll” he laughs at my struggle.

“Fine but I will only kiss your cheek, jack ass” I say crossing my arms. He laughs and puts me down. After being set on the ground I quickly peck him on the cheek.

“Feel better” I say annoyed.


I roll my eyes and climb into the back with Jade and we let the boys sit upfront. When we arrive at the mall, about 20 minutes later, we all get out with Jade and I link arms and walk ahead of the boys.

“Stay close ok we don’t want to run into any problems” Chase warns.

“Yes sir” we both say and then giggle. As we walk into the front door Chad asks “where to first ladies?”

“STARBUCKS!!!” We yell in unison. The guys laugh behind us and we walk to Starbucks.

“Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get started for you” the barista asks.

“Can I get a Triple Vente Pumpkin Spice Latte” I say.

“I’ll have a Triple Vente Caramel Frappachino” Chad says.

“I’ll take a Triple Vente Mocha Frappachino” Chase orders.

“And I’ll have a White Chocolate Quad shot Latte please” Jade orders.

“That’ll be $21.50 please” the barista says. I pay with the credit card. We say thank you and wait for our drinks. After we get our drinks we walk around looking at the different stores. Since the guys want to get new outfits for the club tonight, and us thinking they would be easier to shop for, we shop for them first. Big mistake Chad takes longer than a girl to pick out his outfits. Chase was done after the first 9 stores we went into. Chad took 2 hours to pick out his outfits, worse than a girl I tell you.

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