Chapter 9.

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This couldn't be. Niall isn't gay. A good looking boy like himself couldn't be bi... could he? Well Harry's bi but you don't see him getting punched every step he takes around school!

"I'm sorry what?" I ask making sure I heard correctly.

"I'm bi." He repeats. But he has more of a confused look on his face then a confident one.

"Look," he begins, "I've got to go. My mum is making key lime pie. Thanks for talking to me... in public." He says as he stands up.

"Niall..." I say slowly, standing up as well. Next thing I know I'm hugging him, tightly.

He stands stiff but slowly hugs me back. "Bye." He smiles as he puts a kiss on my cheek.

He sweet. Very sweet actually. But he's bi. He reminds me of my brother.

The kid like features, braces, blondish, brownish hair.

"Can I have thirty more dollars?" a voice interrupts me from my thoughts. I look up from my seat and find my brother hopping up and down.

"What do you need thirty dollars for?" I ask. He slides into my seat.

"Because the new galaxy game is out and I already spent all my money!" He whines.

"Firstly, I only have ten dollars left. Secondly, what did you spend it all on aside from the game?" I ask.

He blushes. "That girl over there. She smells really good and is only four years older then me! And her name is Rachael Adams!"

I gasped at the sound of her name. The girl that Kyle left me for. "Lets go." I commanded.

"But Rachael-"

"Lets go." I repeated.

I took his hand and we walked out of the arcade. I had never been stern to Jonas. Only if I needed to be.

"Its late eh? Go get some sleep." I instructed as we stepped into our flat..

"Do I have to?" Jonas asked, acting like his childish self.

"Yep!" I said before planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Gross!" He shouted wiping of my kiss. I laughed as he ran up to his room.

I walked into my room and fell asleep, so happy this day is finally going to end. I woke up the next morning to the same song, 'Want You Back'.

I shut it off as I quickly got ready for school. "Bye!" I yelled to my empty house as I practically ran to school.


As I got to the large school I ran to Zayn. "Zayn!" I screeched as I jumped into his arms hugging him tightly.

"Little brown!" He exclaimed, hugging me back.

We began walking and we found Liam and Louis. We walked over to an empty part of the school.

This was the part where smokers came. The teachers didn't know about it. Neither did Liam or I before Zayn and Louis showed us just about five seconds ago.

"I don't like it back here." I whispered to Liam. He nodded agreeing.

"So," Zayn began, before lighting a cigarette. I watched him as he did so. "Your dating Kyle?" Zayn asked.

I laughed, "Where'd you hear that from?"

"Well he's going around school telling everyone." Louis spoke.

I scratched my head confused. "Well we were but--" My voice stopped as I got a message from Kyle.

Kyle: Please! Please! Please say yes! I want you back Ti Ti!

I rolled my eyes but had to finish this. I said the only thing I could say.

I took in a deep breath as I typed the four letters.

To Kyle: Fine

You Dropped Something. (One Direction) AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora