||BACK TO THE 80's|| ⚡️
Yes the modern day era helped influence me, but obviously writing a story set in the 80's, I had to get out of my comfort zone and explore a decade that I didn't even grow up in and it was fascinating and really does show how amazing the Duffer's are at creating Stranger Things, it is our little gem of the 80's in our time which I think is 'RAD! 'A range of 1980 films helped inspired me to remain true to the magic and authenticity in Stranger Things, such as Stephen King's Carrie (not only does Eleven have physic powers but now Will Byers does and he is very sinister in Chapter 10, it's bloody terrifying), IT (The Sewers, blood in the sink, innocent little kid killed by inter dimensional monster on street, Jack Dylan Grazer in the film version is casted). Then you have more classics like-Flash Gordon (Robin's last name- GORDON) Jaws, The Breakfast Club, Friday the 13th (infact all the films displayed out the front on Mileven's cute movie date in Chapter 2 are all the most referenced 80's films in my STS3) and many more. My 3 favorite 80's films would have to be-Back to the Future, Stand By Me and Footloose. I'm a sucker for musicals and half of the songs in this story are from classic 80's musicals, but I also like a comedy.

After what happened last 4th of July, and how some armed people managed to track her down, knowing the Government they probably would have a spy undercover in the town, Hopper couldn't take any chances, that's why he kept on telling El to not use her powers.

I feel like you've already seen half the teenagers be in a high school setting before in the past 2 seasons, so it is nice to have them in a different environment for a change this time.


All the blood throughout the story that Will came across was a foreshadow to his later transformation as a Demogorgon.

I'm not sure if this is true or not but in my version; Demodogs or Demogorgon's at first eat normal food but then they crave meat instead. Will is hinted by the Mind Flayer to be a 'Prince' which is known for 'Prince of Demons aka a Demogorgon'. So the 'Traitor' who pushed Eleven off the Radio Tower at the Camp was indeed Larry possessed by the Mind Flayer hoping to kill her, but it failed which the malicious monster found strange?

Unlike the third season, in my version the small piece of the Mind Flayer that fled Will could only habitat in things connected to the Upside Down, which resulted in the unconscious Demodog. Until my STS3 when the Demodog died by drowning(which the Mind Flayer didn't care about anymore if the others knew about the monster through Dustin, since the Mind Flayer was always planning on drowning it anyway.) The small piece of the Mind Flayer then went back to the big Mind Flayer via the gate at the Camp. The Big Mind Flayer then returned and orchestrated all the Upside Down shenanigans at the Camp while the Aboleth infected the water, the Mind Flayer truly thought HE had won this time.

I got a lot of inspiration for my STS3 from these 3 video games if you couldn't tell (Life is Strange, Until Dawn and Firewatch) It shares a lot of similarities with Until Dawn since both characters get trapped and can't leave the spooky location. There are so many references of 'Life is Strange' throughout my story, the big ones are Will discovering he has his own powers and struggles to use them which results in a lot of chaos, the characters share a lot of similar traits, lol Ethan legit said: "Life is strange..." Lastly, Firewatch is Similar to my STS3 by the new character Larry having a lonely and messy life looking after the Camp. I really wanted a Camp to be a big element in the third season, I just felt like that's where they had to go, picturing the kids in that type of environment. The Camp was purely included to create that horror feel again in 'Stranger Things'. The Demogorgon is supposed to have powers similar to Eleven.

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