Dark Days

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When I was a child, my mother and father would always be at war, so when the terrible war was over I spent all my time with them. Then one day, Father turned savage and started to violently beat my mother and me. He'd sink his razor sharp fangs into her flesh making her scream and beg for him to stop. I watched my mother plead with my father as he strolled over towards me, and slash me with my own sword. If I did something wrong whilst training, he would take a dagger and stab it into my shoulder, causing me to let out a blood curdling scream. He never got better. War had changed him.

I remember both of my parents. Mother had gorgeous red hair, big black wings with red round the edges and her beautiful emerald green eyes. She was kind, strong and would do anything to protect her family. Father always said that I looked just like her. He had short black hair, razor sharp fangs and was tall with broad shoulders and well built. He had once been a man of honor, loyalty and caring but that had changed when he had returned from a war. He was never the same again.

Loving them both was hard when you hardly knew or saw them. Most of my time was spent with my best friend. He was like family to me but my parents disagreed with me hanging round a Phoenix. You see, phoenixes and the other races never got on very well and they too were warriors that made up our village. Anyone who lived in those parts respected any and all warriors but most hated phoenixes. The time spent together we'd never forget because of how fun and precious it was, we trained together daily until our parents argued with each others. We were stopped from seeing one another, so we would slip out and practice for when it was our turn to go to war. We knew that day would come and we were nearly of age, one more year and we'd be part of it. Those that became warriors were highly looked up to, for which they protect the kingdom and its immortal people.

The day my parents died, I shut myself away in the palace that they had owned. Yes we were royals but that never meant much to me at all. My best friend moved not long after to take his place in his father's royal family as he was next in line. Taking the place, the role of a Queen at the age of fifteen wasn't what anyone was expecting. When a supernatural child that belongs to a protecting family turned sixteen, they had to fight with their parent in the great war. They had gone to war and had never returned. That was the day my sister returned and she took the throne, which gave me a chance to grab my things and run from that house of misery.

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