"Hey boo how you feeling." London said entering my room taking a seat on my bed.

"I'm okay." shrugging my shoulders.

"Well I'm about to go out do you need anything."

"Nope i'm okay."

"Well I'll be back shortly." she said getting up from my bed and leaving out.

After London had left out I graded my shoes, and my purse making my way outside I put my headphones in my ear walking down the street taking out my notebook out my purse.

Mama getting high up in the kitchen
Daddy wasn't there, yeah, he was missing
Nobody was there to even listen
I kept all my problems and kept my feelings hidden, yeah, yeah
And I put the blame on me
I put the blame on me, yeah
I put the blame on me

As I looked up I saw that I bumped into somebody.

"Damn bitch watch were you going." she said fixing her hair."

"I'm sorry." I said picking up my notebook but she graded it before I could it.

"You want this back well come get it bitch." she said running."

I started running after her but she was running way to fast for me to catch her.

"FUCKKK IMANI I said yelling."

I never suspected anyone to do something stupid like that she took my book and now its no telling who she's going to tell.



"Why you always playing

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"Why you always playing." Licking my lips putting London hair behind her ear.

"Playing with who." London said.

"Me." said Tyrone.

"Tyrone my brother gone kill us if he find out we going out."

"Okay and let me tell him for us baby I'm getting tried of keeping a secret I want the world to know about us."

"Let's just wait for right know okay."

"I'm tired of waiting London."

" Well wait longer baby." Kissing him on the cheek getting up off his lap going inside my brother house.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me and Amair was reading a notebook looked like Imani book a little bit.

"What are you doing." Taking a seat next to Amair.

"Girl nothing so I ran into this girl today right and she was writing in this notebook and girl this is some good shit read this part right here."

Amair gave me the notebook and I started to read a little bit of it.

Mama getting high up in the kitchen
Daddy wasn't there, yeah, he was missing
Nobody was there to even listen
I kept all my problems and kept my feelings hidden, yeah, yeah
And I put the blame on me
I put the blame on me, yeah
I put the blame on me

"Wow this is deep does this book have somebody name in it so you can return back."

"Girl no and I really don't care this shit is good." Amair said biting her finger nail
snatching the book out my hand.

"How about you give the book back over here taking somebody notebook with their personal business that does not concern you."

"Hell no London and why does it matter to you anyway."

I was not stupid I knew that was Imani book this bitch really took my friend book.

"Because I know who the book belongs too."

soooo Amair has Imani notebook with all her personal business?

soooo Amair has Imani notebook with all her personal business?  thoughts?

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