Female Assholes

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"Let's go, since our plan was fucked because of Jezzabelle's secret admirer" Tammy says as the others laughed,

"Come along Jezzabelles pet, wouldn't want you to get lost now" Cece teased while patting Greg's hair as he looks down with a red face,

"Cece" I say looking at her as she turns to me with a grin,

"Yeah?" She asks with a nod before I slapped her hand off Greg's head,

"Fuck off" I replied before dragging Greg by his wrist,

"What happened with those guys?" I ask pulling him towards a different trail that leads back to the car,

"Please don't be mad at me" he says stopping as I look at him confused,

"I may have made a deal with Mason to do his homework every week in return of him and his friend not picking on me" he says with a frown as I became more confused than before,

"Than why were they picking on you a few minutes ago?" I ask suspiciously before he sighed,

"I did his homework EXACTLY the same way I did mine and after the principal found out we both got detention for a month because of that" He says with a groan as I shook my head,

"I was sleeping halfway through the paper and just decided to write it the way mine was word for word, I didn't know he had to go home RIGHT after school each day on time so his dad won't beat his ass" He says with a sigh as I frowned before patting his back,

"Don't worry, you know I'll kick anybody's ass that messes with you" I say putting my arm around him as he smiles,

"Ew! Stop with all this lovey dovey shit! I'm about to throw up! Hurry up! We gotta go!" Cece shouts loudly walking past us as I rolled my eyes before following her with Greg,

"Your lucky Jezzabelle is your best friend, cuz if you were someone else we would NEVER save your ass" Cece says turning to Greg with a frown before laughing and skipping away,

"Where you guys going? Can I come along?" Greg asks as we were about to get into the car,

"Unless you wanna sit on Jezzabelles lap, WE were going to go down to our hang out spot why? Don't you have a dick to jerk off or something?" Tammy asks as I rolled my eyes,

"You guys go ahead, I'll meet up with y'all later" I say closing the door and walking back to Greg,

"Better not bring another one of your fuck buddies to the spot again, they never fucking leave!" Tammy shouts with a glare as I walk away with a laugh,

"Come on, I'll walk you home" I say grabbing Greg by his collar as he hurriedly follows by my side,

"You don't have to, you know how my mom is when she sees us together" He says as we walk away with Sophia driving past us on the road,

"I don't give a fuck what your mom says about me, she can say all she wants but she knows for a fact that I will never leave you alone" I say recalling to all the times I used to hang out with Greg and his mom yelled at me saying I was a bad influence and that I should leave him alone or she'll do something bad to me,

"I don't want her to yell at you again, last time she did you almost kicked her ass" Greg says with a chuckle as I snickered,

"She has it coming, you know I have a temper and she was pushing past the line that time" I say remembering when his mom called me a whore because of how my mom was,

"I don't think your anything she says you are" Greg says smiling at me as I sighed,

"Most of the stuff she says about me is true but I could care less cuz there's one thing that she'll always be wrong about" I say noticing we were almost to his house already,

"What?" He asks turning to me as I smirked,

"Us not being best friends for the rest of our life" I say nudging his arm as he laughed,

"She'll always be wrong about that one" He says with a chuckle before noticing a familiar figure sitting on the front porch of his house,

"You sure you don't want me to walk you to the front of your house?" I ask with a smirk while continuing to walk before being pulled back quickly,

"NO! I-I-I mean....not anymore. I'm sorry" he says quickly with his head down before I patted his soft brown hair,

"It's okay, I was just fucking around with you" I say nudging him as he smiles,

"Well, goodbye" I say gesturing him to his house since he was staring at me for a long time,

"Oh! Sorry, I-I mean b-bye" He stuttered before walking away with a groan as I giggled at his shy actions,

I watched Greg walk to his house as I spot his mother standing at the stairs of the front porch now looking around to see if I was following behind Greg.
She smiled down at him before pulling him into the house while repeatedly looking behind her back.

I waited until she fully closed the door to continue walking to the spot my friends always meet up. It's not really our spot but since the buildings been abandoned for god knows how long, Tammy decided to make it our own and fix it up as our personally meet up spot.

With the help of Pamela's rich dads money, the old disgusting building full of rats and dirt everywhere  became our second home since everything was fixed and it had five bed rooms with five bathrooms and a large living room where Pamela decided to divide it with a game room on one side and a kitchen half sitting area for us to sit and hang out. We each got our own room to sleep in at the spot if we didn't want to go to our own houses or if we were throwing a party the night before and wanted to keep our "flings" over there.

"Took you long enough!" Tammy shouts as I walked towards the spot building seeing Tammy smoking a cigarette on the front porch of the building while the sun was starting to go down behind the building,

"Did you give him a goodnight kiss and tuck him into bed?" Tammy asks with a smirk as I rolled my eyes while walking up the porch,

"Fuck off" I say with a glare as she laughs before following me inside after putting out her cigarette.

FINNNNNAALLLY 😩😩😩😩 SINCE I WAS TAKING FOOOOOOOREEVVERR WITH THIS CHAPTER, I wanted to give you guys a looooooong chapter since my slow ass was taking my time with this and homework from school, BUT ANYWAYS I ALSO wanted to give a long chapter for the FEMALE characters just so you guys can get to see the relationships between the four friends and JEZZABELLE PLUS her male friend GREG that's also important in this story 🙂 SO PLEEEEEASSSE VOTE AND COMMENT FOR MORE 🥰🥰🥰

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