Oohh!! That's so sweet! Thank you! I love them!

She smells them deeply, Takes a selfie but then after a moment in silence she lets her arms fall down as she appears to not be so happy all of a sudden.


What's Wrong? Is everything OK?You just said you loved them?Is everything Ok?


No,I do,It's just...I...Hrghh!


Cause I was wondering wanted to go to the...uh.. movies with me ...this weekend. You know I just got my license right? Well,My mom She's..uh..She's letting me use the car. For the first time too. And I would love to take you out, You know, If you wanted to, But maybe you dont....Which is ok,I was just...Well Yeah,OK,im gonna,just go,yeah.Dont worry about it,it's cool.I'll just see you in...uh... school. Keep the flowers though.My gift to you.Just maybe put them in a vase or something.They wont last for ever,Water...but,I just tho...


OK, Calm down.No Im very happy to see you.and I do love the flowers.It's just I have so much Going on right now in my life.Its' all really overwhelming. Lately. I dont know what to make of it all.


Having a hard time in school.Is it Math? I can help you out if you want? You know it's no problem.


No...It's not that...


Oh..Ok! Having a hard time figuring out what college you're gonna pick,Ya,I know how that is.There's two of them I need to Choose from.I think I'll want to stick close to home.Be close to Mom. And Dad wont be too far away either.SO it'll all work out.You're worried you'll be too far away?


No, It isnt that.Im not ...going... to College next fall...


What?! What are you talking about? Isnt that what you always wanted? Dont you want to be a french teacher?


Oui I do,But I just found out that I cant after all..


Wha...Wait? What? No? YOU CANT AFTER ALL!.No...Dont tell me.No,No.Please dont tell me that.Please. I cant believe it...


Yes. It's true. I just found out last night.

Guy turns around towards the crowd with his head down.


Im sorry....I'm Getting married..

GUY Starts Yelling NO!!!!!!!!!!!! for as long as he can and falls to his knees.GIRL walks towards him and kneels down beside him,putting her arms around his shoulders.The stage lights come down. Curtains close.


The Song Holiday Road by Lindsey Buckingham (see National Lampoon's Vacation) Starts Playing,as multiple pictures are shown on a projection screen.They are wedding photos including one man in all of them.There may also be pictures of him and his many, many offspring.(This could be attained by a. Photoshopping a Face on already existing wedding photos, or b. take new pictures with many different women dressed as brides) Song Eventually fades away to silence....

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