One last breath

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Oh ! This will be my last breath
I'm laying on the sand, and I'm about to go
I'm about to offer my whole being to Death
And I don't want to let my pain grow and grow
So, I will not resist
When she takes me with her
She won't have to insist
I'll follow her : she knows better
Oh ! Please, keep a memory
Don't cry and grieve for too long
We met, we loved ; the rest is history
What will remain of me ? A photograph ; a song
But know that I will always walk beside you
Whisper to your ear, sing to you that I'm here
Oh, if only you knew
I will always be near, dear
But you won't be able to see
All my tears, and my face
While I'll see your eyes, as blue as the sea
Darling, I'm going to miss your embrace
But our love will go on
And won't be erased by Death
Even though I'm gone.
I just took my last breath.

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