Ochako the Fox Sin

Start from the beginning

The scene changed to my preschool and me waiting for my parents to show for parents day. "The whole day I waited for them. No matter what it was, I always looked back at the parents and saw nobody there for me. I kept looking at my pinky all day thinking dad would never break this promise. The day ended with them never showing though. I left for home angry and mad at them for breaking their promise. I wanted to yell at them for not making it for the one time I was greedy and made them promise me. But they never came back that night." "When did you find out they died?" Ban asks this while drinking his beer. "*sigh* The next morning."

I saw me waking up in my bed and going into the kitchen to see it the same way I left it. I heard a knock on the door and went to see who it was. Once I looked into the little peep hole in the door and saw it was police I opened it. "Excuse me, but are you by any chance Ochako Uraraka?" I nod at them worried what they'll say. "We need you to come with us. There was an accident." The scene changed to the station where the cops had me identify the bloodied remains of what was once my parents. The only thing in my mind at that point was one thought. 'I shouldn't have forced them to come.'

"How did they die?" "A villain was being chased and found it's way into the construction site. He destroyed the area and made the heroes in pursuit stop the debris. Only they weren't fast enough to stop it all. My parents were overseeing something at the time and had no idea until it was to late to do a thing. They died on impact when an iron beam crushed them." I held back tears knowing they couldn't have known this would happen to make a change. I watched as I cried for them to come back on their gravestone and promised to never be selfish again. I knew it was pointless, but I wanted to pretend it might work.

"What happened to you after they died?" "I was put into foster care and adopted by a woman. I was still upset, but things were looking up." I watched as the woman took my hand and smiled at me. "At least, that's what I thought." The scene changed to a beaten up home with me crying from being beaten blue. "A few months in, I found out the woman had a horrible drinking problem. It was so bad that she lost her job because of it. When that happened, she would come home completely drunk and take her anger out on me. By the time a year came around, I had enough and ran away to live on the streets."

The scene went to a cold alley with me shivering and wrapping arms around myself to keep warm. "I hated my life more and more by the passing day. I wanted it all to go back to when my parents were alive." I watched as I rummaged through trash just to get something to eat and keep warm with to survive. "On the streets, I learned two important things. One was that nobody cares for you when you when your on the street." I watch as I ask a bunch of people for food or just some change for them to just ignore me or push me away to fall on the ground. "The second is that the only person you can look out for is yourself."

I watched as an old man I thought I could trust at that time beat me and took every scrap of food and clothing to stay warm when I was being nice and when he said he just wanted to talk. "The days got worse after I learned this. I went hungry so often that I started to go insane from it. Finally, my hunger overpowered my sense of rightness." I watched as I walked by a vender with loaded potatoes for sale. I hid in a corner and started to talk to myself. "Those potatoes look really good. No Ochako. That's stealing and it's wrong. Your better than that. *growl* Nnnngh, maybe just one won't hurt. I mean he has a bunch. What's a single potato going to do?"

The younger me stayed out of sight and waited for the best moment to grab one. Once I grabbed it, the man noticed and shouted at me. "Hey kid, give that back!?" I ran as fast as I could to keep the potato with the vender following me and cornering me in an alley. I tripped and dropped the potato before he started to kick me. "This is what you get for stealing!" He kept kicking me until I finally laid motionless. He left with me barely conscious and spat on me in anger. I reached for the potato on the ground and held it up while smiling. "A little dirty, but I don't have to go hungry now."

"After that day, I started to get faster and smarter at grabbing and going. Some times I'd escape when finding a hiding hole. Others I was beaten brutally for my acts." "Seems your life sucked as bad as mine did growing up." "Yeah, but I at least had a happy ending at one point." The scene changed to me running with a few meat buns and a very angry vender behind me. That day was one where I could've gotten really hurt if I didn't have a hiding hole ready in advance. Once I came out, I was met by a green haired boy who gave me water and an offer. He held out Courechouse and told me that he wanted me to join him. I didn't know why, but I accepted it. "If I can eat and have a full belly, then I'm in."

"You agreed to be with him for food!? Hahahaha! You must've been starving to agree to a complete stranger to join something with no absolute idea what it was." I glare at Ban until he finally shuts up. The scene went to me eating Inko's horrible food and barely holding it down. "This food tastes like crap." "How rude to say. I know my cooking isn't the greatest, but that still gives no right for a little girl to say that." I continued to eat the food until it was all gone and drank what they gave me.

Once I was done, I felt tired and was nodding off. "Did you eat enough sweetie?" I looked at Inko and said in exhaustion. "Your cooking's crap lady. Your son also has crappy taste in people to pick someone like me off the streets." "I'll take that as a yes. Also if your tired, then sleep. There's no harm in doing that." "I can't...that's when I get beaten up...and robbed of my...things." Inko looked at me with concern. "Is that what happened to you on the streets?" I nod before answering. "And my...foster home." She walked over and hugged me with tears in her eyes. "I promise that that won't happen here. You can live here and be free from worry, that's a promise."

I looked up at her and for a second saw my mother. I raised my pinky and showed it to her. "Pinky...promise?" She locks her pinky with mine and promises. "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye." I smile and fade into sleep. "Woa, she really looked at you like her own." "Yeah, she did." The scenes started flashing moments of Inko and Izuku interacting with me while adding some of the other Sin's in. For the first time in a while, I looked and was happy with what I had. I was looked at as someone no different than anyone else. I was treated equally and could rely on people. Eventually, I looked at the Sin's and the Midoriya's as my own family that I would do anything for.

The area went black with Ban turning to me. "So what do you think your reason for greed is?" I think back on my life. "I was greedy one day as a child and held guilt it was my fault my parents died. I wanted what I had again and found it in a drunk that beat me. I wanted to trust people and keep my sense of what is right and wrong to only be left with hunger, bruises, and the coldness of the night. Every time I wanted to be greedy and keep something, someone suffered with it usually being me. But the friends and family I made in the Sin's are the one thing I never want to let go of. I want to drink with everyone, laugh, get into fights over stupid stuff, and live in that Inn for as long as I can. I don't care if that's my greed talking, I want that to stay no matter what. I want it and will do anything to keep that."

Ban only smiles at me before getting up. "Congratulations Ochako, you found your sin." My tattoo started to glow and burn me. Once it did, I felt a surge of power flow into me like never before. "Now that you've awakened your sin, you can tap into power you never could before. Now go and meet back with those you want to keep in your life. Make sure you keep that promise you made to yourself and never break it. That is the only way you can keep going." Ban disappears to leave me in a shaded room with light twinkling out of a walkway. 'I'll keep what I have. This I swear as the Fox sin of Greed Ochako Uraraka.' I walk out prepared to take on whatever was next in my life with all my might.

Power level 3,980-7,960

And that finishes this chapter. As I said before, the next few for this will be notably shorter in comparison to the others. The main point with Ochako's sin is that her uncontrollable greed for her parents attention for one day made her feel this guilt and wanted to return to the days she will never get back. When she finally found her place in the Seven Heroic Sin's, she subconsciously made a vow to never let go of this family again. Her greed caused her to lose her family, and her greed will be why she will push on. Hope you enjoyed this and make sure to check out my home page to see some of my other works. Thanks for reading.

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