what is love pt.1

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March 19,2019

11:48 pm

Love: a profoundly tender,passionate affection for another person.

So love uh...? The meaning I found is the one I wrote at the top of the beginning. Still what is love?? That is the hardest question to answer. what I mean when I said that is because I could fall in love many times in my life and I would feel different. So I can't tell someone," this is what love is and this is how you will fell." NO, for me love is like air... Now you might ask how love like air and this is how, they are both free and it something that will make you feel alive, air comes in many ways the type can kill you(if you breath air in and releases carbon dioxide then you can help another thing live). So going back on how they are the same, some love is good and some are bad. For one love can be giving in a healthy way. Wait love can be bad? How? Love it self is not but how it's given can be. I'll touch on this after I can explain how I can fall in love too many times in one lifetime. The first you might feel loved ( I am not saying i you did not feel this way is bad) was when I was a baby I may not remember the feeling but i know how i felt by the way my mom tells me how she use to care for me when I was a little person,who could know their first time loving someone. The first time I do remember how I felt was when I had my first pet and it was a bird 🐦...oh how I love that bird I really wanted to hold it like a baby but then one day and threw it away I was so heartbroken and that's how I found out that I was in love and I was scared of love but it was not long when...

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