Chapter 1

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The Tardis hums while The Doctor flips switches. "How old are you" I ask. "In the show you always say 1000 years old but are you really?""Yes, in fact I am." he replies. "To be exact I'm 1247 years old." "So where do you want to go first" he asks. "Galifray!" I reply. "I have always have wanted to go and see your planet." "Galifray it is!" he yells "GERONIMO!!!" We swirl into action as the Tardis crackles with lightning around it and the Tardis sounds swarming the air.

We then hear a BOOM! The Tardis is making really weird booming sounds. The Tardis swirls to a left upright position making the Doctor and I fall the floorboard of the Tardis. We jump up to our feet and the Doctor runs to the Tardis doors in a goofy walk trying to keep his balance. He then opens the to find out that the Tardis is flying into a black hole. "The Tardis is not resisting the black hole!!" he yells. "The Tardis is

more powerfull than a black hole , she should pull her self out!" He runs over to the console and tells me to press the big red button when it comes out off the hole on the console. He rolls upand down and switch that pushes up the big red button. I slam the button and the Tardis zooms off, away from the black hole.

"That won't be the first in this adventure." he says. "This isn't going to be a safe trip." "THAT WAS AWESOME!!" I yell. "THIS IS THE BEST TRIP EVER!!" "DO YOU EVER GET TIERED OF THIS??!" I ask. "No. This is going to be fun." he replies.

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