Radio silence

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It had been 2 weeks of no calls. No check up. No information, there was nothing and the guys were getting antsy. We were all worried it was a sunday evening we were having lunch and talking trying to keep ourselves from overthinking trying to prevent ourselves from storming in there to get him. Dad said we would give him 3 more days and then plan a way to get in there and find him we have some one drive by every couple of days and they have seen his bike but not him. They said it hasn't been moved and I'm all but okay with that. I haven't been sleeping well I have not been sent out on jobs because I screwed one up.

I cant take the silence anymore but I tried calling him and texting him but nothing is going through. Dad told me not to worry said he would call when he got something. Told me this wasn't his first gig that he would be alright. But I couldn't bring myself to believe it.

Lunch was over everyone had started getting up and going about there day when my phone rang. I couldn't look at it u was nervous, every bone in my body told me to answer it but my body wasn't receiving any signal from my brain I looked at it on the table and saw it was him. God he called finally I reached out to answer but it stopped ringing.

"Fuck! No. No. No. No. No."

I tried to call again but it didnt go through again. I sat there staring at it if it rings again I was gonna answer no hesitation. And it did after a couple of minutes, the longest complete of minutes in my live. I shouted for everyone to shut up and they looked at me expectantly.


I didnt answer just listend.

"Prince, you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Hey, how you doing."

God how could he sound so calm he had us worried sick.

"You missed check in."

Was my reply. I wanted to go straight to the issue I didnt care to talk about myself I needed him to tell me he was ok.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I've been..... busy."

That doesn't sound good. He dosent sound good. What were they doing to him?

"What are they having you do?"

"It doesn't matter. How is everyone?
How's momma?"

He sounded exhausted.

"Shes ok. Shes hear with us. There all here."

"Oh, could you put me on speaker phone I want to hear her voice."

My eyes watered at that he needed her to feel better.

"Yeah, ofcourse." I looked up to see everyone looking at me I put my phone down on the table and put it on speaker."your on."

"Hey momma"

"Omg baby" She started crying she had been depressed for days not know how he was she wasn't talking to dad because she said it was his fault. Dad came up to her and held her while she talked.

"Come home Axel." She said. So that's his name I've known him for weeks and I didnt know his name up until now and it broke my heart. It made me feel so much closer to him, I dont think I can do this much longer.

"I cant momma, not yet. I miss you so much momma. I'm so, so sorry."

He sounded like he was crying. Like he had reached the end like he was saying bye and we had no idea why I brought my hands to my face and rubbed as if by doing so when I removed the he would be there with that mega smile.

"No baby no, why are you apologizing? What happen? Everything is ok. You're going to be ok."

"I dont know momma, I've seen so many things and I've had to contain myself from blowing my cover. I've been having nightmares momma. And in them I dont come home."

He whisperd as if some one could here him as if if they did he would be in trouble. But why? He then continued. "Hey guys!" He tried but failed to sound cheerful. There was not a single dry eye in the room

"Hey Bullet, buddy how you holding up?"dad asked after everyone said hey.

"As best as I can pops. Listen have the women leave the room. Let's talk business yeah?" The women got up and left the room closing the doors behind them.

"We're listening."

"There planning to hit there tomorrow. At noon, its gonna be a drive by but its gonna be a strong one. I tried to have them target the shop but it didnt work."

And now my mind started to work. It starting to look for solutions it started making a plan cause that's what I'm good for.

"Allright that fine. Let them come, hell come with the fire at us I'll make sure we're ready." I said he was already feeling awful and I was gonna make him feel better."How much information do you have?"

"As much as I think I'll get."

"Good come on you bike. No one riding bitch, make them believe you can handle it. Do what ever you have to do be the last one on the drive by, I'm gonna get you out of there. Your coming home, ok? Just hold off till tomorrow. Dont you dare brake till tomorrow."

"Promise me you will" he said and I almost lost it.

"I promise, you just do as i said I got you on this end."

"And then can we..." he paused I got scared. I fisted my hands and looked around everyone looked either sad or curious." And then can we not talk?"

I chuckled a little "yeah and then we can not talk."

"Ok I have to go, there coming back."

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow "

"You will." And then he hung up I looked up and everyone was looking at at the phone waiting for him to say he was just kidding and then my dad looked at me. "What was that?"

"What was what?


"What dad? What was what?"

"You too. What was it? And how come he called you and not me?"

"I dont know and we have no time for this. We need to get this plan perfect." We headed to chappel I gave mom my phone just incase he called again but he didnt. While at church I told everyone my plan. How everyone had to go on with there day as planned how tha shop had to open. How tha Old lady's had to be here and how when they drove my I would be waiting and once Bullet drove by I would shot at his leg and bike make him loose control and crash or at least hope he acted like he did so that the rest of the guys would leave him and keep driving.

Now all we could do was pray he mad it through the night with out cracking under the pressure. Hope he gets them to agree on bringing him and hope I make the shot because if only one thing went wrong we would loose  him and there was so much I wanted to tell him and I wanted to know about him all o could do was hope. All we could do was HOPE. And hope we will.

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