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Just after Christmas Calliope was given a clean bill of health and was released from the hospital wing to return home. 

"You two are practically attached at the hip," Natalie sipped her coffee from her position bundled up in blankets on the sofa. Calliope had just left her bedroom with Fred following closely behind her. 

Calliope shrugged in response.

"Well I can't let her slip away again can I," said Fred lightheartedly as the pair made their way towards the kitchen and began to make themselves some breakfast. 

"I don't want to slip away again," Calliope added, reaching for some bread to make toast, "I love him too much." Since they declared this for the first time they threw the word around like a tennis ball, taking any opportunity to declare their feelings.

"I love you too." Fred brushed her hand with his. Calliope looked into his eyes and she made a decision then and there. She had to make sure he knew she would never leave him again.

"Marry me," said Calliope.


"You heard me, Fred Weasley, marry me right here right now."

Fred laughed, "you're joking right Callie?"


"Well, in that case, I would love to marry you," Fred grinned, suddenly he pulled her in for a kiss that lasted too long for the liking of Natalie and George.

Natalie loudly cleared her throat, causing Calliope and Fred to break apart and look at her.

"Do you want something?" Fred asked.

"No, it was just getting uncomfortable watching you two snog," Natalie folded her arms, "I mean, we're happy for you, but get a room!"

"I have one! You're sleeping on its couch!" Fred protested

"Technically your room is over there," Natalie pointed to the door of Fred and Calliope's bedroom, which stood ajar.

"Give it a rest you two!" Calliope laughed, "now let's go get married!"

"Right now?" Fred raised an eyebrow.

"What's the point in waiting?" Calliope shrugged, "I'm not bothered about having a big service, neither are you. We'd just be doing it for our families. We already live together, why not make it official."

"Okay, let's go then!" Fred grinned and kissed her again, this kiss was much shorter, "oh Mum is going to kill me!"

"That's what we're here for Freddie," George grinned, "to make Mum go mental."


The group arrived at the Burrow eager to get the show on the road. Although both Fred and Calliope were eager to go through with the plan as soon as possible, they both agreed that they wanted their families to all be at their wedding, no matter how informal it was and as the Weasleys, Elphias and their family friends were already gathered at the Burrow to celebrate New Years, they figured it was best to go there.

"Hi everyone!" Natalie said cheerfully as she walked into the Burrow first. They were met with a chorus of hellos and hugs from many of those gathered.

Once everyone had settled down once more, Fred spoke up, "Hey Elphias."


"You're a member of the Wizagamot right?"


"Members of the Wizagamot can marry people right?"

"Yes, why?"

"Just checking," Fred grinned and winked at Elphias. He turned back to Calliope and wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

"Are you trying to tell us something, Fred Weasley?" Molly demanded.

"What he's trying to say is we decided to get married," said Calliope.

There was an excited chatter that broke out throughout the room. Many cries of, "congratulations!" and Elphias jumped to his feet to engulf Calliope in a hug.

"Save the congratulations will you," George rolled his eyes, "they're not even married yet!"

"When are you thinking for zee wedding?" Fleur Delacour asked from her perch on the arm of Bill's armchair.

"Well, we were thinking today," said Fred with a shrug.

"Today!" Molly squeaked.

"Has anyone got anything better to do?" Fred asked.

Molly looked as though she was about to faint, "No, but there's so much to do, we've got to invite everyone and make a cake and-"

"We don't care about any of that Molly," said Calliope, "all we want is for you all to be there, and you're all here. It's perfect."

"Bill, can you go and get Charlie from Romania?" asked Fred.

Bill raised his eyebrows, "you're serious, you're not joking with us are you?"

"We're serious," Calliope assured them.

So what is it with me writing Harry Potter fanfics and having my characters getting married with little notice at Christmas?
Remember to vote, comment and be amazing!
~Em xx

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