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It was another normal day in Pure Heart valley. Mao Mao, Adorabat and Badgerclops were out patrolling when Orangosnake attacked yet again in an attempt to get the ruby.

Mao Mao fought with him while Badgerclops and Adorabat took the other pirates.

"Just give up already! No matter how many times you try, we'll always top you!" – he taunted the primate-snake.

"NEVERRRR!" – he swung his axe at Mao Mao.

Mao Mao on the other hand smirked and decided to show off a bit. He watched the axe approach him and dodged in the last moment, completely unharmed. This and his smirking face made Orangosnake angry. He furiously swung his weapon at the feline but Mao Mao dodged every swing. Posing, making funny faces, flipping, spinning or just leaning back.

"Damn it!" – Orangosnake went for an overhead swing.

Mao Mao on the other hand became serious. It was enough showing off, for now at least.

"It's time to get serious!" – in a fluid movement he unsheathed Geraldine and sent the primate-snake fly. He hit a tree and got all scratched up on the broken branches.

"Boss!" – Ratarang shouted.

The other cyborgs stopped and rushed back to their boss. Suddenly, a smell reached Mao Mao's nose. He shook his head furiously and snarled. The cyborgs dragged their boss and went to recover for the next few days or a week.

"Wow! Chill out dude! They are gone." – Badgerclops said.

"Yea! We defeated them, again!"

Mao Mao straightened up, closed his eyes and breathed. After a few seconds he was back to normal.

"Sorry..." Mao Mao looked at his companions "I got a bit carried away there. Haha! Now! Let's go and celebrate another victory!"

"Yes! Pie!"

"Yay! You were great today Mao Mao!"

"HHAHA! Of course I was!"

They turned to walk pack to their home, Mao Mao's eyes lingered of his companions' back for a second. He closed his mouth with a quiet click, shook his head and with a determined look followed them. It was a good life! Just before they went in, the monster alarm sounded.

"Seriously?! Another one?!"

The three of them ran towards the town square where a bunch of round monsters with cricket-like legs and large jaws were wreaking havoc.


"Jeez! I knew this place is a literal monster magnet, but this is too much for one day!" – Badgerclops complained.

"Don't complain! A hero should help clean after a fight! It's the right thing to do!" – Mao Mao said in an all-knowing tone as they finally entered their home.

"I see!" – Adorabat said as she flew to the couch.

"I don't know about you two but I am going to make a quick dinner. I am exhausted and can't wait to go to bed."- Badgerclops went to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Mao Mao and Adorabat were waiting for dinner. Badgerclops came with a huge pot of stew and a small container.

"Dinner's ready!"

"Yay!" Adorabat cheered "What's that in there?" – she pointed at the container full of white chunks.

"Oh! This is for Mao Mao. It's his favorite spice!"

Mao Mao: Mirror of 1000 SoulsWhere stories live. Discover now