. : I n t r o d u c t i o n : .

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Please if you don't ship Lolu (LokexLucy), or if you're not comfortable or don't really like it then feel free to leave and find something else to read but if you do then welcome!

I'll admit that I ship it but not really crazy about it either, I just haven't seen much Lolu fanfictions online as much as other ships, so I decided to make a whole book dedicated to it.
A booklet full of oneshots and perhaps even some drabbles if I'm in the mood. Keep in mind that I probably won't update as often as you'd like but when I do, I really do hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for reading!

Card Set

Angst - ♦

Fluff - ♣

Crack - ♠

Her Lion || Fairy Tail (Loke x Lucy - Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now