chapter 70: a tree grows in brooklyn

Start from the beginning

" Thank you." she whispered softly.

" You're welcome." he whispered back, " Are you ok?"

" I'm just happy, sir, really. I haven't had this much happiness in those months of hell we endured." she said, and looked around happily at everyone dancing quietly and the soft music.

" I needed this so much sir, thank you, really." she said softly, and Speirs smiled.

" Of course, sunshine." he said gently. The song ended, and as she left Speirs who went over with the other commanders, she couldn't help but feel her cheeks warm further up to the tips of her ears. She collapsed in a chair and lugged her heels off her feet.

" I miss my jump boots." she groaned, rubbing her sore ankles.

" I'm surprised you danced that long, sunshine, especially in those. I barely made it through that one song with ya." Malarkey said, sipping his beer.

" Me too." she sighed, rubbing a hand over her tired eyes.

" How was it with Speirs?" Malarkey asked her.

" Peaceful, for once." she said softly.

" I'm glad, really, sunshine. We all need something peaceful once in a while." Malarkey said, and she smiled wide. She talked with the guys a little bit more before heading back over to the WAC and Nurse girls before waving good bye and promptly leaving the hall. She headed into the billet she was assigned, noticing all the men were still out at the hall celebrating, but she'd grown too exhausted by this point and needed sleep. Double checking to make sure no one would be coming in the billet anytime soon, she carefully pulled her skirt down and pulled up the PT shorts. She took her uniform coat off, before taking a glance and removing the undershirt and pulling the large PT shirt on herself. She neatly folded her uniform, before crawling into bed. She clicked the light out and after that, quickly fell asleep. When many of the men came back, they didn't even realize the tiny girl, curled up in her blanket and her pillow, eyes shut lightly, her arm gripping the pillow. Her nose twitched every now and then, but as the guys prepared for bed they found it adorable. The time after their USO dance consisted of Easy training an replacements that happened to come along, resting, eating, light PT training from Winters that was nothing compared to Sobel's, and down time, to write letters, read, and talk. Charlotte was glad for the time, finally able to open the letters from friends and family that she'd gotten.

Dear Charlie,

I heard about your brother Char, and I'm heartbroken. We've both lost loved ones, but I won't let you grieve alone. You're my best friend, and the most important thing in the world to me is that you are happy. Leroy would be proud of you, you know. We saw those clips from Bastogne, all the nurses and I out here, and I can honestly saw Easy Company gave us the best laughs. Seeing you there, smiling and happy, even though it looks miserable, made me feel happy that you were still there. The guys seem great and I'll be excited to meet them all when the war's done. I think everyone will. I've been in contact with Louis, and I'm really glad he's ok. I wrote a very lighthearted card with some of our jokes to hopefully brighten his day. Clyde and I've been talking a lot, and he's grown close to me out here. He's really been my rock to help me through what's happening here and at home. I miss you so much, Charlie. I hope this war's over soon so we can finally see each other again! Hugs and kisses!!


Charlotte smiled at the letter. She was glad that MJ had gotten in touch with Louis. Charlotte had debated opening Louis' letter, knowing her heart would be absolutely crushed, but she would open it anyway. It was her brother, someone she was related to and loved.

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