Cow Boys Are Preposterous

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(AN: so I am American born....I don't know any Japanese, *except for the small amount I have shamefully learned from watching anime as the weeb I am* so I will not even attempt to botch that beautiful language. So any time anything is said in "Japanese" I'm just going to italicize it. "Oh my boy Hanzo, I'm so proud of you going to college!" -Hanzo's mom, who doesn't speak any English... Like that. So just as an FYI. Also on top of being American, I do know Spanish, so I will use the fact that McCree speaks it quite often, but also in a way that if you're really curious and google translate it, it won't be botched. Enjoy)


I was still sat in the same position as when he left when I heard the door currently on my right swing open. I looked up and saw that he was dressed in a pair of sweat pants now, with his chest still being dripped on by his soaked hair. His hair looked a little more tamed, and slightly longer when wet. He was looking at me astonished like I was a ghost or something. "Well I'll be damned, you're still here pretty boy." He scoffed out. I looked down to where my feet were and sheepishly nodded my head. Again I know I really don't want to be out there but how much better is it really in here, with this man being so nonchalant. He walked past me to his bed again. I shot a quick glance up to his back now facing me, to see he was using the towel around his neck to still rub at his hair in an attempt to dry it. I huffed out a breath of a small laugh, he wasn't going to do much in the drying department with how little effort he was putting into it. I heard his bed creak under his weight as he sat down onto it. I'm pretty sure he was looking at me when he said, "Did you just laugh at me? Well, that wasn't very nice."

I quickly look up, intent on apologizing and telling him it was nothing meant to be mean. But upon my eyes resting on his face, I saw he was smiling widely. He was messing with me I think. "Um, well I just thought what you were doing to your hair wasn't really going to dry it." I pulled at my hair tye that almost always kept my hair in a bun because I usually got really warm really quickly. So much so I even have a small underside to my hair that I keep shaved. As my hair fell to just about my sholders I said, "It may not look it at first but my hair is just a bit longer than yours so I have the same problem." I heard him laugh, and I looked to him slightly offended. Why was he laughing? "The stranger talks," He chuckled out. "And the first words out of his mouth are to mess with me. Haha, I like you compadre. You helped me cum, you stay afterward, and then you poke fun at me. If we knew each other a little better I'd ask you to date me." He said all that with such a sincere tone. I was struck back slightly appalled, a blush very clearly felt on my face. "I, um. Well, I just prefer it in here to out there. Also, I mean no harm by this but does that mean you're gay?" I blurted that all out in one breath, very nervous and flustered. But more importantly, my finishing thought is if I should be worried. Was I truly safe in here?

The other laughed out. What was it with him and flat out laughing at people? "Well, I take it that probably means this is your first rodeo partner. Also no, I'm actually pansexual. While we're on the subject do you mind if I ask you so that if we do stay in contact I can know whether or not I'm allowed to pursue you in the future?" He said all of that so calmly. How can he be so honest and comfortable with all this? "First roday-o?" I said choppily, having no idea what that meant. Confound English and it's enormous vocabulary. "Yeah buddy, meanin' it seems like this is your first ever party." He chuckled a little in his sentence. Why was he so jovial? He just keeps getting more and more interesting with every word he says. "Ah, yes this is my first," I say slightly embarrassed for still not knowing what rodeo stood for. He laughed again. I shot him a dirty look, crossing my arms and huffing at him. He really likes to laugh at me. He seemed to have seen that so replied to my action, "I meant no harm with my laugh, you just seem very energetic, and it's very entertaining. Also kinda cute, but I'm still curious about my second question. If you don't want to answer that's perfectly fine."

I was a little confused. Not sure what he was talking about. It was so hard to pay attention to every word he said, his body language and laughing was just so distracting. "Second question?" I blurted out, kinda stupidly. "Yeah," He said amused, "I'm pansexual, and what might you be?"

I'd never thought of that before. I've been so focused with so many other things in my life, I have always forgotten to pay attention to people in general. I never have seemed to ever have any romantic or sexual feeling for anyone I've ever been in contact with. As well as the fact that a major custom in my family is that before you can even have intercourse you must marry first. But I've definitely never thought about marrying anyone either. I also have never done what I just walked in on this man(?) doing either. I've never felt the urge or need to. I honestly thought there was something wrong with me in junior high. Because when my parents attempted to have that "talk" with me, and I simply told them "I'm not interested". They looked a little worried at first, afterward though they seemed elated. So, in the end, told me, "It's okay just wait until marriage like a good young man and you'll be fine." So I never thought about anything such as sexual orientation before.

"Well?" I heard the one-word question said from the other side of the room. I look up to him and give a small, "Hm?" He gave a small huff of a laugh, "you went all quiet, looked very lost in thought. Again if you don't wanna say just speak up." I furrowed my brows puzzled, but then suddenly realized he was right. I did go quiet and get lost in my head. I blushed in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, that was very rude of me. I just, I um." I am so flustered, how can he talk about this so straight-faced. "I um never thought about it." I trailed off, "I guess you could say I'm nothing." I looked to the side embarrassed.

He chuckled, "No such thing as a nothing partner." I looked back to him confused by his response. "You are either, one describing an asexual, which just means you never want to have sex and/or a romantic relationship. Or two, a confused virgin that hasn't figured himself out yet." My eyes widened, and my face flushed red for an entirely different reason. "Well excuse me if where I come from society tends to set you as an outcast if you have intercourse before marriage. And I don't think I am this asexual thing you've called me either. I'm just waiting until I find the right person. Is that not okay?" I huffed out these words slightly angered. I have no idea why he thinks he can just outright say stuff like that. I just came in here to get away from a possible anxiety attack, I had no intention of being personally attacked instead.

He shrunk back a little on to his bed, putting his hands up in front of himself. "Wow, calm down their partner, I meant no harm. I was just teasin' ya. Sorry, I didn't know it was gonna hurt ya." He huffed out and moved one hand to rub the back of this neck, "Look, let's start from the beginning and ignore the fact that what you walked in on probably traumatized you." He stuck out the unoccupied hand in what looked like an offer for a handshake. "Names' Mccree, Jesse McCree. And you?"

I took a moment to breathe. Maybe he was right. We did start out on very bad footing. I'm sure he did not mean any harm, also I was certain now that this was indeed his dorm. So I did invade his space. I huffed a sigh and responded, "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap on the owner of this room." I bowed in his direction. "Shimada, Hanzo Shimada."

"That's definitely not American. You said you came from somewhere else. Do you mind if I ask where you're from partner?" He shot out. It made me hold a small smile to myself. "Japan. Hanamaru, Japan."


(AN: Btw Hanamaru Japan does not exist, I just looked at the overwatch wiki and used that for where Hanzo and Genji are from. So it "exists" only in the overwatch universe so I'll just use it here too.)

The College Cow Boy (Mccree X Hanzo)Where stories live. Discover now