2: The Bakeneko Model Cat-Cat Fruit, Grandpa Garp, & Little Brother Luffy

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*(Y/n)'s P.O.V.*

I let out a soft groan as I began to wake up, the bright heat of the sunlight nearly blinding me even with my eyes still closed.

"Ugh... Someone, close the curtains... The sunlight--it burns..." I grumbled sleepily, turning over in my bed.

My bed... which is a lot harder and lumpier than I remember... and smells a lot like dirt...

As that thought hits me, so do the memories of what happened in the laboratory.

I bolt upright with a gasp, my eyes snapping open wide as I grab at my body to check if I still had all of my body parts.

"I-I was electrocuted!" I stammered as I checked my body for damage, "I should be dead, right?! Why am I not dead?! How am I okay?!"

Checking myself again, I noticed something that was probably just as shocking as surviving an electrocution with no damage; My breasts were gone.

"I'M NOT OKAY! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BOOBS?!" I found myself screaming in alarm.

Then I noticed that along with my lack of a bosom, I also had a clear lack of a feminine figure and had a much shorter and petite body instead.


I stood up and looked around wildly at my surroundings and to my horror I was no where recognizable. In fact, it looked a lot like I was in the middle of nowhere! All I could see around me were huge trees towering far above me, thick with green leaves and vines. Dense underbrush stretched out for as far as the eye could see. Judging from the heat and humidity as well as my surroundings, if I had to guess I would say that I was in a tropical jungle.

However, there was really only one thing I could say about all of this.


I crouched down, resting my head on my knees as I tugged at my hair.

"Okay, (Y/n)... Okay, easy old girl, calm down. Just take a deep breath. Freaking out and screaming your head off isn't helping this situation, it's only making it worse." I whispered urgently to myself, making a very valiant effort to keep my cool.

"I'm sure there's a very logical explanation for this. I just have to stay calm, find my bearings, and--WHY DOES EVERYTHING LOOK ANIMATED?!"

Yep, I was failing at staying calm. Miserably. But can I really be blamed for that? I just woke up after thinking I had died via electrocution only to wake up with a child-like body in the middle of a tropical jungle. And, oh yeah--everything around me, including myself, looked either painted or drawn with hard black lines and vivid colors.

'Either I'm currently having a very crazy dream, I'm actually dead and this is the afterlife, or I'm actually in an anime right now.'

I shook my head and slapped my cheeks.

"Stop thinking about these things for now, (Y/n), and stop panicking. The most logical thing to do right now is try to find someone who can tell you where you are. You're smart and resourceful! You can do this!"

I began to march fearlessly into the jungle after giving myself that little pep-talk, pulling my messenger bag (which I thankfully still had, though it was now smaller to accommodate my new size) closer to my body.


I pushed the vegetation out of my way as I tried to navigate through the jungle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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