First mission

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I was just standing there frozen... I don't know what to think. I'm a superhero now and I don't even know what to do!

"HEY Partner! Wanna give me a hand here..!" The blonde cat said as he was being tossed around by the villain.
I finally got the courage to go, I dived in and grabbed my yo-yo
"Animal cruelty.. how shameful" I shouted
I swung my yo-yo at stone heart and tried to somehow tie him but he gets bigger from each hit.
"Oh no.." said the cat
"What was the power my Kwami mentioned..." I tried to remember...
"Oh yeah! LUCKY CHARM!" I shouted
"A body suit..."
I forgot what it's called and too lazy to look it up.
"Hmmmm" i said as I looked around
Many things lit up and I had a plan...

As I looked around I noticed a girl who was recording... I see her at school... I forgot her name though

I jumped up and the monster grabbed me
"HEY! COULD YOU TURN THAT ON!" I yelled at the girl and she did as I said.

The monster opened its hand and a dark ball came out and i ripped it and out flew a butterfly...
"That's even for you little akuma.." I said
I brought my yo-yo up and got it!
And let the white butterfly go
"Goodbye.." I said

"We make an awesome team partner.." my blonde one said "but who are you?"
"Hmmmm..? Im (y-) i mean! Im ladybug... what about you?" I asked back
My partner took a second to think
"Chat noir... please to meet you..."
we fistbumped and i had the idea to go to the Eiffel Tower for a reward.
But as we soon arrived a giant head of butterflies appeared.
Chat bout and I walked up and said back
"We are chat noir and ladybug! We will protect Paris from you if it's the last thing WE do" we both shot back
It dispersed and I swung to the top and announced to protect Paris even though I'm quite young I will manage and I have to because chat noir and I are the chosen one.

I soon swung down and my earrings began to beep
Oh no
As I was about to say goodbye and swing away a boy with blue hair came up to me and said "you were amazing ladybug. We are glad to have a superhero like you and chat noir to save us. Thank you" he smiled
I smiled back blushing a bit "thank you.." I said as I swung away "bug out!" I said

Luka x reader x Adrien Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin