His supposed "prayer room" which Tahani is not allowed to enter is in fact a "bud-hole" with music and computer games.

Eleanor and Chidi try to persuade Jason not to reveal his true identity.

Meanwhile, Tahani is given the task of organizing the gala opening of a new restaurant, The Good Plates, at which each diner is served their favorite meal. The opening goes wrong when Michael asks the diners to tell the story of what their meal means to them.

Tiring of the masquerade, Jason decides he's going to tell the truth, forcing Eleanor to stop him by creating a diversion. She punches a hole through an elaborate celebration cake, which causes a sink hole to open up in the floor. The restaurant is evacuated and Eleanor and Jason's secrets are safe for the time being; but when Tahani later visits the sinkhole, it turns out to be growing.

E5: Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis

The episode begins with Eleanor ordering frozen yogurt. Because Michael feels guilty about the sinkhole, there are a lot of new flavors. Eleanor, instead of holding up the line while trying to make a decision, allows the person behind her, Glenn, to order first.

She is so excited by the fact that she did something selfless that she immediately runs back to her house to tell Chidi about it. He congratulates her but asks if she brought the yogurt like she said she would.

After briefly trying to back out, she realizes that a good person would follow through and heads to the shop again.

Chidi is teaching a lesson about utilitarianism, and Jason recounts the time he framed a girl for theft so that she wouldn't marry and move away with the "best pop-and-locker" on their 60-person dance crew.

He then asks if he can leave to go to Tahani's brunch before the miniature waffles run out. Chidi excuses him, and Eleanor asks if they can jump into a new lesson. Chidi says he's tired from standing and wants a break, so Eleanor asks if he will grade her paper instead. He agrees begrudgingly.

At Tahani's brunch, she and Michael are chatting when Janet appears and alerts Michael that they have a "Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis." Michael asks if Tahani can take them to a private room. Once there, Janet reveals that the sinkhole is not repairing itself. Tahani overhears this and tells Michael she actually saw it get bigger last night. Michael tries to play off his anxiety and leaves.

Back at Eleanor's house, Chidi is trying to politely get time to himself, without Eleanor tagging along. However, Eleanor insists he's hiding something.

Tahani is scrolling through the neighborhood point rankings, and is dismayed to find she is number 321, or second-to-last. We cut to a flashback of Tahani as a young girl. On this particular day, she is showing her parents a picture of a bird she drew, only to be upstaged by her sister Kamilah reflective birdlike statue.

Eleanor keeps pestering Chidi until he finally breaks and tells her that she is the thing that has been bothering him. He doesn't want "a full time job" and wants to be doing "paradise things," like rowing out on a lake with a bottle of wine and some French poetry. They get so fed up with one another that Eleanor tells him to leave. Just as they make this decision, Michael appears with a neighborhood warning that it's too dangerous to go outside.

It has been several days since the lock-in began, and Eleanor and Chidi are still squabbling. In the middle of it, Michael interrupts and introduces a new couple, Bart and Nina, who need a place to stay until the sinkhole is repaired. He volunteers Eleanor's because she's his assistant.

In Tahani's mansion, she announces they have a full day of activities planned, leading one woman to comment on how good Tahani is. Tahani agrees, but upon checking her point total learns that nothing's changed. In a new flashback, Tahani is hosting a fundraising event which is only at 5.2 million pounds earned. Her parents insist it's time to bring out something new, and Tahani introduces Kamilah to auction off a date. The bidding starts at 3 million pounds, and entire crowd immediately raises their cards.

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