
17 1 1

I walked into the licing room, where my best friend Nash Grier was playing with my daughter Calie.

Nash was tickleing Calie, and she was laughing her adorable soft giggle.

This was my miracle, the fact that I had people who loved me, and people I could love.

I sat by Nash, and leaned my head on his shoulder.

He looked at me a kissed my forhead, I smiled.

Calie smiled a toothy grin and she wobbled towards us, sitting in my lap, leaning her head into my stomach.

'Mommy?' Calie mumbled sleepily.

'Yes love.' I said, looking into her beautiful brown eyes,just like Matthews.

'Do you wuv me?' she asked, her eyes slightly closing as she spoke softly.

I smiled. 'Of course I do Calie. You are my whole world and I wouldn't be here without you.'

'I love you too mommy. Goodnight mummy and daddy.' Calie said, falling asleep in my arms. 

I glanced over at Nash who was smiling because Calie called him her father.

'I guess Calie actually think you are her father. Thanks for being here Nash.' I spoke as I leaned my head onto his shoulder, closing my eyes.

'I am glad to have someone call me their father, and why wouldn'tI be here for you? You are my one and only girl.' He spoke burshing his lips lightly against my cheek.

I smiled, and fell asleep right there. I felt wanted, and loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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