"So what are you saying? You're gifted with the ability to kill someone with hit?"

"What? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." He laughed. "No, my gift is more like the ability to see everything that's happening within a milli second and calculate how to disable or flee my opponent. It's like time slows down just enough for me to figure out my next move. The bad part was that when I saw exactly where I needed to hit to kill him I panicked. I was scared and didn't know why everything around me was moving so slow compared to how fast my mind was working." I nodded then frowned.

"So last week when I was sparring with you and finally beat you, that wasn't real?" I asked now a bit bummed out. He chuckled and shook his head.

"No that was real. In training I never use my gift."

"Oh good!" I laughed. "Tell me more." Dragon smiled a sad smile.

"A year later my mother died. I just woke up to find her passed away in her bed. I guess you could say depression killed her. When you're that young and you go through those type of things it messes with your head." He stopped and examined me. "I was alone. I thought my parent's death was my fault, in a way they were. I couldn't stand to be in a pack where they all looked at me with pity. So I ran, I became a rogue and ran."

"If you were a rogue how did you manage to work for royalty?" Dragon never spoke this much so I planned on getting as much out of him as possible.

"Don't rush me kid, I'm getting there." He chuckled. "After a few years of nothing but trouble making I got in deep trouble with some bad people. I had to leave what I called home. Again I found myself running but this time I didn't stop. I ran for days. I ran until I passed out. When I woke up all I heard was war cries. I looked around to see the biggest, most powerful wolves I'd ever seen, fight the men who were after me."

"Royals." I guessed. Dragon grinned and nodded.

"Turns out the bad people I was running from found me but they didn't realize that I was in royal territory. The head of security realized that I was just a teenager and claimed me as royal property. The other men weren't so thrilled about that and claimed that I was theirs. Like any male werewolf they fought. They being royals crushed the terrible men and took me in. I was dehydrated and malnourished. After I had recovered they trained me and taught me how to use my gift. Long story short I was hired for security, found my mate, and lived with the royals. A few years later I given the opportunity to guard the castle."

"So what happened to your mate then?" I asked cautiously. He sighed once again and shook his head.

"I messed up, again." Dragon looked at me with tears brimming his eyes. "After a year of guarding and nothing ever happening I thought it would be okay for me to bring my mate and pup to the castle and give them a tour. That night we were attacked. The rogues didn't want the king or queen's death, they wanted something more."

"What's more than death?"

"Suffering." Was all he said. I cleared my throat to signal him to go on. "I think it's time for bed Julian."

"What? You can't just stop a story like that!" I said pouting.

"Julian your a grown man, don't pout, it's not cute." He said causing me to laugh.

"It was worth a shot though." I replied. "Please just finish the story and then I promise to go to bed." He rolled his eyes but continued.

"The rogues knew that the King and Queen's security was the only thing standing between them but they also knew that they couldn't take out all the guards. So when they attacked that night they split into two groups. The first was to distract the guards, the second was to kill the mates and pups that would be "safely" hidden in a remote bunker during an attack."

My heart count accelerated because I knew his next words. I could imagine how painfully it would be to lose a mate and pup. What would become of me if my mate was to be kill? I've heard that losing a mate is terrible but I've also heard that losing a pup is worse; something inside us knows that it's not natural for our own child to die before us, and that is what hurts the most.

Forgetting my own tinge of pain I looked back to Dragon. A tear had ran down his face. "They weren't safe. All of them died that night. Mates and pups. Soon all the guards just gave up, but I couldn't. Guarding the castle is what killed my mate so I continued to guard it in hopes that no one who ever lived there would ever have to go through that again. Once the king and queen died everyone left the castle but I didn't, I couldn't." There was a long silence that followed. Neither one of us moved. "Okay, time for bed." He said his sad mood now long forgotten.

"Fine." I made my way back to my room and threw myself onto the bed causing it to groan under my weight. Turning off the bedside lamp the room filled with darkness. My mind began to dwell on everything that Dragon had said. How could one man guard a castle all by himself? Wouldn't it be lonely?

All those years of nothing but seclusion from the world would be- my thoughts stopped short as realization hit. Dragon said that he guarded the castle even after the death of the king and queen, but the only king and queen that lived in that castle was more than two hundred years ago.

Quickly I rushed to the connecting doors. Of course it was locked. Knocking I asked, "Dragon how old are you?"

"Julian! Go to bed!" He yelled out.

"Fine! But you're going to answer me in the morning!" I shouted and then returned to my bed. Tomorrow is the first of the month meaning that Mike and hopefully Jewel will come through town. With that one thought running through my mind I fell asleep.

When I woke up Dragon was already dressed and was munching on a breakfast burrito. "How did you get in my room?" I asked while mid yawn.

"I used a key."

"Where did you get a key for my room?"

"The front desk, duh." Rolling my eyes, I got up and began to get dressed. "Anyways, we need to leave soon. I'll be guarding the west entrance of the village and you'll be taking the east.

Mike usually enters from there and then leaves through the west. You'll link me when he arrives. If there's another figure with him and they split you follow the figure. I'll be waiting for Mike. I'll follow him to see what he does. Our main objective this month is to be invisible and watch. We don't take him out yet. We need to know if Jewel is okay and where her location is before we do anything with Mike."

"Okay. So what happens if the figure is Jewel? Do I approach her or what?" I asked. "What happens if it isn't Jewel?"

"If it isn't Jewel follow them and see what they do, where they go, and everyone they talk to. If it is Jewel, well I'm not sure. She could know about being taken or she might not have a clue. Now if your theory on the plane was right then she knows and she might be expecting you, well not you but someone."

"What did she look like, just so I know what to look for."

"Well last time anyone saw her she was just a baby. Just look for someone who resembles your parents."

"That seems easy enough." I chuckled sarcastically. "Come on, it's time to find my baby sister."

"Let me remind you that you're only like two minutes older than her." He laughed. I waved him off and headed out the door. Jewel, I'm coming for you.



So not any action but I really wanted you to get a feel for dragon's back story and what he's fully capable of.

I hope you enjoyed! I would really love some feedback from you! Thanks for reading!

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And Always,

Be Blessed!

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