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The hospital discharged you early, to your amazement. Four days after the incident, the doctors concluded that you could take care of yourself from now on, as strong willed as you were. The other members of your squad were recovering slowly, but it was better than nothing. You had more stitches then you could count, and heavy medication for your forever throbbing head. You were lucky none of the cuts hit your vital arteries. If they did, you would for sure have been dead by now.

You stepped out of the four-day prison, and into the busy streets of Tokyo. A surprising chill had made your skin crawl upon taking the first step outside. Akira offered to drive you back to your apartment, but you had declined. The Kanou General Hospital was only a few blocks away from your apartment anyways.

You took in a deep breath of fresh air. Even though it was ridden with smog, it was so refreshing. Tightening your brown overcoat around you, you looked toward your destination. You thought about wearing the pants you had arrived in, but the staff just threw the blood-soaked clothes away, there was no hope for them anyway. As stained and torn as they were. If you were to walk around in those soaked things, people would call 911 as soon as they looked your way.

You wondered the streets in the 20th ward, passing people and peering up at the lights made up of the many advertisements. You can't see the stars in Tokyo, but the artificial glow of the billboards in the night substituted just fine. One read out the news of the mission in the 20th ward. Everything that happened already feels like a dream.

The revolving doors to your apartment threw you inside the welcoming lobby. It's was quiet, only one person to be seen. "Y/n! Where have you been!? I was so worried, I though you were dead!" The receptionist stood quickly from her rolling chair to lean over the counter. "I was at the hospital." You answered plainly. "Me and my squad had a really bad ghoul encounter." She muted the TV behind her. "Well thank god you're okay. It would've been so boring here without you." You rolled your eyes. "It's good to know you care, Naka." Nakagome Rkuemon worked at the apartment as a full-time receptionist. A pretty girl with wavy black hair, she also had an eye for fashion. The two grew close, over the time you had lived there. "I do care, but my sanity is also important." You eyed the girl. "Anyway, why didn't you answer your phone?" Taking out your phone, you showed Naka how dead it appeared to be. "It's been dead, and I had no access to a charger at all." Naka hummed in understanding while peering down to your legs. "Oh... That's gonna leave a few scars. Are they letting you off for awhile?" You nodded. "Yeah, but I offered to do paperwork here, someone's going to deliver it for me tomorrow." The counter phone started ringing, cutting of Naka before she could speak. She looked at the number. "Oh, it's the manager. He's probably asking me to stay over time." You raised a brow. "Why's that? He usually never misses his night shift." She looked over at the flowers on his side of the desk. "Someone died in his family pretty recently." You were shocked. "Oh..." The man loved his family. His hearts probably broken... "I'm gonna take this, I'll text you later." You offered a quick 'kay' before you started walking toward the elevator. You walked into the mirror wall elevator to ride up the floors, walking to your apartment door and opening it. Sighing, you sat all of your things down. You grabbed clothes from your room and went to get a long, needed shower. Once finished with the task, you softly lied down in bed, minding the wounds.

After about a half an hour you sat up frustrated. Your busy conscience and hurting body keeping you awake. You carefully walked around your apartment as to not wake up the other sleeping residences to the main room. You took your keys and phone from the black table and headed out. Times like these when you have a lot on your mind, you go upstairs to the roof and just sit for awhile. The roof had a large fences prevent falling or suicide. You sat on the single lone bench and stared down at the bustling streets. Everyone was coming home from work and the traffic was starting to slow down. You always wondered what the people's destinations were when you look at them. You often wonder where they'll go in life, sometimes dissatisfied with your own. Suddenly, he popped in your mind when you peered down to a young couple holding hands and shopping bags. You wonder where he's at right now. You wonder what he's thinking. You wonder what he's doing. A tear fell from your eye and you held your cheek. Your mind wondered back to what he said a few days ago. He didn't want to end up killing you... You really shouldn't have hoped he'd come back. It wasn't right, you were supposed to kill him and he to you. What was wrong with you? He's a ghoul... Yet you find yourself wishing he would just come back and everything could find a way to be normal.. You stared wide-eyed strait ahead as hot tears rushed down your face. You stood, walking over to the tall fences. You noticed rapid blooming Acacias and dark crimson roses planted themselves all over the tangle of fences. You took one last look at them before you started accessing the wire. Reaching the top, you sighed and threw yourself over the fence. The air pressure gripped your body tightly as you fell. The world seemed to go black as the blood rushed your limbs and away from your brain.

Arms wrapped around your torso before you'd met the ground. The mysterious person you had caught you skidded across the concrete from the impact, but their strength did not let them fall. As they stood you up, your head ached severely, but you quickly looked around. Where did everyone go? The streets were suddenly empty, and rain was pouring down on the two. Your eyes travel back to meet Seidou's. His voice, soft like silk broke the silence. "Why." You parted your lips but nothing came out. You couldn't speak, at all. You touched your lips worried. Why couldn't you talk? "Answer me." He spoke again. Your knees suddenly gave out, sending you to the ground. He knelt down but turned his body to the side. You noticed his freshly bloodied hands as he reached behind him. He pulled out a severed heart pierced with a deep red Gladiolus and handed it to you. When you looked down at it with shock you noticed a huge gaping hole in your own chest. The pain suddenly struck you hard, causing you to tumble sideways.

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Here it is! Let me know if you guys want some more. Happy reading! -B🌙

*Edit, fixed pronouns to you / your like the last chapter and edited the story to better fit what I was going for. -B🌙

*Edit, fixed story to fit my A/n. -B🌙

*The pictures in the cover and the chapter headings are not mine! All credit goes to the original artists. Also, Tokyo Ghoul and it's characters belong to its rightful creators.*

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