Carlos POV *now play the song*
I've never seen Alex so mad before in my life so when Alex walked out I look at his dad
C-wtf is going through ur head rn he's ur son and those two girls he had to ship off one is ur fucking granddaughter and the other Alex talks about marrying her he fucking loves them to death but no you can't let him be happy for once at least let him have this moment let him be there for his daughter cause he doesn't wanna be like you not there for his kid the first time he walked out he was dead ass crying out there because of you so just fuck off..Gio ur in charge until I get back Alex is stay with Nova and Aurora till we find Jabez and he put me in charge
I walked outside to see Alex siting on the ground with us head in his hand crying so I walked over to him and patted his back
C-Alex just calm down
A-how am I suppose to calm down when my girl and daughter is in danger because of my asshole of a dad this is part of the reason why I didn't wanna get in a relationship with Nova because I didn't want her hurt but I couldn't see her with nobody else so I made her mine and ended up have a baby with her Carlos how can I protect them when I'm not in the right mind set right now
C-just go spend time with them it's been three months since I seen them ur missing everything ur daughter growing and Ik ur miss Nova cause ik I miss des big headed ass but that's my baby
A-shut up bro*chuckles*

Alex POV
I wiped my tears and stood up hugged Carlos then we got in the car and went to the house

I walked inside and saw my mom on the couch on her phone with the tv on
Am-hey Alex
A-hi mama
Am-hey Carlos
A-so I'm going to stay with Nova
A-k love you
I kissed her cheek and we went upstairs I packed my stuff said bye to my mom and left

Nova POV
Me,and Des is sitting on my bed watching a movie while I'm cuddling Aurora but des and Aurora fall asleep on me so I was just watching the movie technically but I heard the door open causing my head to jerk up and look at the room door and I couple minutes later the door opened revealing Alex I smiled as I watched him carefully walk up to the bed then he leaned down and hugged me
A-get up*whispers*
He helped me up since we didn't wanna wake up Aurora when I eventually got off the bed we hugged each other he then sild his hands onto my ass squeezed it
A-baby getting thicker*whispers*
N-I've been like this since I last saw you*whispers*
A-damn these two months went by slow because I don't remember i you being this thick*whispers*
I giggled then kissed him and god I've missed his lips then we pulled away and I bit my lip
A-Carlos is here to get des*whispers*
A-I'll tell you hen they leave*whispers*
Carlos came in and woke up des they got her stuff and left then Aurora woke up so Alex grabbed her and she looked at him for a minute then smiled
A-I miss my girls
N-we've missed you too but why did des leave
A-because I'm staying her with you and Aurora while Carlos and them find jabez for me because I was stressing over the whole thing and come to found out my dad was jabez boss
N-oh I'm sorry
A-no don't be sorry it's not ur fault babe
He got up and hugged me with one arm cause Aurora was in the other one
A-hey I love you and its not ur fault at all ok
He lifted my chin and kissed me then looked at Aurora
A-aww my baby looks so different
I laughed a little
*she looks like this*

Nova POV Me,and Des is sitting on my bed watching a movie while I'm cuddling Aurora but des and Aurora fall asleep on me so I was just watching the movie technically but I heard the door open causing my head to jerk up and look at the room door an...

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The gang leader I fell in love with 😍 {Alex Guzman}Where stories live. Discover now