A murder at Dinner

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Sometimes fairy tales takes some dark turns, in the real Cinderella the two step sisters cut off their toes so they can fit in the glass slipper, then when Cinderella and the Prince were married birds came and picked at the two sisters killing them. At least that's what I've been thinking.

October 14, 1928 dinner Markiplier manner.

Rose sat next to William talking about all the cool things she did over the past week. William went along with her. After Celine put Rose to bed that's when the four adults talked. Mark stared at William, Damien started to work a bit, and Celine made sure that Rose was asleep.

"You shouldn't be here." Mark said to William. William looked at him.

"And why not? Can't I be with family?" William asked. Mark stood up.

"This isn't you're family." He said.

"Dose Rose call you Unlce? No... thought so."

"You two stop it." Celine said. "You two are Rose's uncles! Act like grown ups and not two year olds!" She told them. Damien looked up from his work.

"Well-" Mark started. Celine gave him a death glare.

"No Mark, I don't wanna hear it." Damien stood up and walked to the window where he saw to strange glow. William saw as well.

"You think-"

"Raspy Hill? Maybe... Rose is the first born of the egos of the second king.." Damien said. "I'm still waiting for Die..."

"Wait out of all three of the kings. You're the frist one to have a child?" William asked.

"And Anti was mad and killed her mother... I'm still surprised that Rose is alive." Damien looked at Mark and Celine who where fighting like a old married couple. He sighed then thunder clapped. A chill went down Damien's back.

"He's not here you know." William said.

"But I can still feel him. Just watching, waiting for Rose to show herself or slip up." Damien looked down, the bright green glow flickered. "Hey Celine I'm gonna check on Rose. Coming William?" William nodded. They walked upstairs to Rose's room. William pulled out his pistol, Damien slowly opened the door, he saw Anti in the corner of the room.

"I wouldn't." William said pointing his gun at Anti, Damien ran to his little girl and picked her up, she wined a bit.

"Shh... it's okay baby." Damien said, he kissed her head. "I got you." Anti had a knife out some blood dripped from it.

"Hand her over..." Anti said, his voice glitched a few times. William stood in front of Damien, Anti ran to William stabbing him in the gut. Damien took the gun and fired three times. By the time everything was clam there was no body of Anti, William groaned in pain, and Rose held her ears.


"I'm fine check on Rose.." Damien nodded and ran to Rose, who by now had tears in her eyes, Damien picked her up.

"Hey Little Rose bud." Damien said, then Mark and Ceilne ran in, the green glow came back to the room. Rose held onto Damien for deer life. William was able to get up but with a lot of pain.

"Get her out of here Damien, I'll take care of Anti." William said, Damien shook his head. "Go... don't worry about me." Pink shinned in William's eyes, Rose screamed into her dad's chest, Damien grabbed Celine and they ran out of there. Mark saw and followed.

"Uncle William!!" Rose yelled. There was two, then three, then sixteen gun shots. Damien put Rose's head in the crook of his neck. "U-Uncle William.." she cried. The house went into a blaze, but out of the flames and ember William limped out. Damien handed Rose to Celine and ran to William.

"You Okay?" Damien asked. William nodded. The burns from the fire were already healing.

"Yeah, a stab here and there... but I'll be fine." William said. Rose cried more.

"Uncle William!!" She said. William smiled at her and took her from Celine.

"I'm okay little Rose." He smiled, she nodded, then fear was in her eyes.

"NO!" She yelled and hugged William, Anti fell back, anger was in his eyes.

"Dam... Strong one aren't ya?" Anti asked. Rose held William. Anti now had sixteen bullet holes in him, yet he was alive.

"Get away from Her!" Damien tackled Anti down. "Leave her alone Anti... she's done nothing wrong."

"Yet." Anti said and started to choke Damien, said man doing the same, Rose tried to get out of William's hold but couldn't.

"Daddy!!" She cried. Damien saw his little girl.

"Don't come back Anti, leave me and my family alone." Anti hit Damien on the side of head with a crowbar, William held Rose, Celine ran to her brother helping him up, Anti looked at William and Rose.

"Don't." William cocked the gun, Anti hissed, Mark glared at the demon.

"We both know what will happen to her Wil, you can't keep her safe for long." Anti said, his voice ruff and dark. "I see betrayal soon. She won't be alive to see her own family rip each other to spreads."

"revertere et discedite." Celine muttered Anti hissed and disappeared, Damien now had a gash in his head, but he was alive. "Mark go to the neighbors and call for help."

"Well seeing this, I'm sure help is already on its way, but I'll go." Mark said and made his way down the hill, William and Rose watched as smoke and fire filled the late night sky, the red and orange flames danced in Rose's eyes. William held her close.

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