chilly down

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the man who tried to steal coins had gotten restrained by the sherrifs on stand-by, leaving the other man to finally pass through registration. the conclusion was a lot more anti-climactic then she thought it would be. for good reasons, (y/n) felt bored by this and turned back around to her horse. she sighed and placed her hands on her hips, looking at the messy black mane her horse bare. picking up the brush, she began to work out the knots and tangles. people around her had begun to gather again, whispering and pointing at some commotion but she really couldnt care less any more. the fight earlier ended dryly, so she assumed everything else would be the same. at least that's what she told herself, until the thief from earlier started yelling. curiously, she brushed her hand over her horse once more before twisting her neck to look around. she trailed her eyes lazily over to the blond man once more, taking note of all the people poking their heads out of their tents to catch a glimpse. the thief's shoulder had seemingly started twisting into itself? she couldnt really describe it better then that, it looked freakish, like something out of a nightmare. curiousity rather than horror poked into her conscious. she grinned to herself, this was just the kind of thing she had hoped to find when coming here. the thief had reached out to pick up his gun laying in the dusty earth, only to unexpectedly turn it on himself. he looked shocked at himself for a moment before the bullet pierced his brain, blowing out the side of his skull. this caused a ripple of murmers to pass over the crowd, some winced or threw up but most looked away. but (y/n) looked the scene dead on, her grin twitching a bit by how wide she pulled it. which is probably a major red flag, but she was only fascinated by the nature of this 'spin'. before she could continue to sort through predictions and theories,  the crippled man from earlier started yelling at the sheriffs to let him through. she cocked her eyebrow, placing an amused look on her face. he was frantic to be let through, talking about how the steel ball at the blond man's waist was spinning. perhaps the spin from the ball is what caused the mans shoulder to implode on itself? eventually, he had managed to push past them, reaching out to touch the steel ball. the man warned him it was still spinning but he seemed to heed no warning and placed a finger on it. now she was far beyond curious as that was probably the first time she had ever seen a crippled man stand.

after that they had some sort of argument she could care less about, but ultimately, the crippled man ended up being stuck to the roof of a bar. afterwards the blond man had saddled up in search of a tent to claim as his. fortunately, he found one. unfortunately it was right next to hers. he had noticed she was styling her horses hair after brushing out the knots and seemingly recognized her. placing camp next to hers, he began to clean out his horses hooves. he would continuously glance over at her figure, almost like a classmate wanting to talk to you but not knowing how to. she noticed of course, but chose to ignore him completely.

"hey.." his voice came out horse at first, so he cleared his throat in embarrassment "you were that girl from earlier, right?" he asked awkwardly, trying to put up a confidant front. she eyed him skeptically, and with an additional raised eyebrow it just skyrocketed the mans nerves. he didnt know why she made him so nervous.. perhaps he thought she was cool and wanted to appear that way to her as well. (y/n) definitely noticed his wavering smile and hesitance to make eye contact with her. slowly, she cracked a grin at the man. her eyes softened to a more welcoming aura rather then the previous bluntness. tying off the end of her horses hair, she turned fully twords the man. her grin was more widespread now and revealed her crooked canine that stuck out past her lip. he had felt taken aback, someone he thought to be so uninviting now seemed to be the brightest ray of sunshine.

"my name's (y/n) benvenuto, but please call me bennie." she spoke in a mischievous manner, much like their earlier encounter. slowly his smile regained its form as he held out a hand to the arguably far shorter character. she looked down at his extended hand before placing her gloved hand in his. the leather of it was clearly worn and somewhat soft, a feeling he would eventually never forget. like the way a peice of her hair stuck out wildly from the onslaught of wind or the twinkle of morning sun in her eyes. he gulped, suddenly conscious of how long ago he had bathed. he breathed in slowly through his nose before airly speaking.

"the name's gyro. gyro zeppeli."

bennie and the jets // gyro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now