Chapter 1: School...Yay.

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Chapter 1: School....Yay.
(Have a free Newt)

Thomas bit on his new pen with all the force he had. The poor new pen broke and blue ink drooled into his mouth. "EW!" Thomas threw the pen across his room and wiped his mouth.
He was scared. No, Frightened. Today was the first day of his new highschool. W.C.K.D. And he was freaking out. At the end of last year he got a scholarship to Wicked Academy from a guy named Janson or something. His mother dropped him off at the Academy already and he got into his dorm. He arrived for the second semester so someone already got the bigger half of the room.
Whoever got the other side of the room must've been rich. The bed was his own and it was so huge for a mansion. Everything else on that side of the room had nice clean stuff as well.
This scared Thomas. Much more than you think too. Thomas on the other hand was poor and lucky to even come here.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it mom." Someone was coming in and Thomas backed up a bit. A olive-skinned Asian walked in. His black hair damp and down, a towel around his neck, and lastly his phone in his hand. When the Asian boy looked over and noticed Thomas he paused, "geulae . annyeong...." (Which is "Yeah. Bye" in Korean. I don't think it's wrong since I know the language so...yeah...)
"H-hi! I'm Thomas...." It came out fairly quick and he stuttered on the "hi". #MentalFacePalm.
The Asian continued to look at him wide eyed. He then mumbled, "Greenie...." The Asian's paused look turns into a glare and he walked to his bed. "So I'm paired up with the new Greenie? Shuck." Thomas didn't really understand what he just said but shrugged. The Asian could speak absolute perfect English and that's all Thomas wanted to know.
"Name's Minho." Minho started simply and starts scrubbing his damp hair with the towel. Thomas smiled but noticed he was on Minho's side of the room at the moment. He frowned and backed into his side. "So, Greenie. You get that bed close to the door. I don't usually bring anyone over but when I do don't mess up. Lastly..." He came over and grabbed Thomas's shirt collar so quickly it stunned the poor boy. "Do not talk to me outside of this room. Or even think we are friends." Minho let go of Thomas' collar and gives a cocky smile like none of what just happened even did happen. Thomas started breathing in short cut breaths. He was frightened of this kid and he really didn't know why. Minho motioned to the door and Thomas quickly left to check out the rest of the school.


As Thomas put in his headphones a boy jumped onto the table clearly running away from someone. Then Thomas reminded himself that he was in a library.
"ISAAC NEWTON GET BACK HERE!!!" A voice was heard from across the room near the door. Thomas slowly looked up to see a face in front of his. He screamed and jumped out of his seat. The boy just laughed. "Can't believe I didn't know there was a new Greenie. Literally-" the boy slipped and fell onto his ass but landed it perfectly that it looked like he meant to do that so he could sit in front of the new kid. "I'm Thomas...." Thomas started and took out his headphones.
The boy wad fairly tall maybe only barely taller than Thomas. He had fairly long hair that sat on his shoulders like a girls and bright blue eyes. "Well hiya Greenie! I'm Sir Isaac Newton. Aka Newt. So your Thomas Edison right? Cause we already have Jeff...."
"Yeah....I mean yes. My name is Thomas Edison." Thomas started messing with his fingers below the table. "Wait...aren't you the guy that-" before Thomas could finish Newt was tackled down. "Ow! Albs! Get off me!" A dark-skinned male had him pinned against a bookshelf painfully. "Give me back my phone, Newton." The older boy started crushing the weaker thinner boy's arms. "Don't make this any harder."
Newt grinned and got out of the boy's grasp. He than was able to hop back onto the table. "Greenie this is Albert Einstein. Alby this is Thomas Edison. Any questions? No? Good." Newt than was able to hop onto a bookshelf. "Try to catch me Alby!" He than vanished, jumping off the bookshelf and running so fast it stunned Thomas.
Alby looked over at Thomas and glared. "Greenie." He nodded his head in a "goodbye" and ran after the quick Isaac. Thomas blinked for a while before closing his book in front of him. "Newt. Minny. And Alby. Wow...this first day actually wasn't as bad I would've thought....." Thomas grinned and grabbed his book, walking out of the library with a new courage.

So this is a new series that will also be on ArchiveofOurOwn! So story.....yup...sorry for any errors. I was on the bus when I wrote all this. Ok. Bye!


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