2. Phoebe

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"Phoebe, Mama you mustn't bother the human, she needs her rest," Seth said, pulling on his older sister's braid gently. 

"Git away, Seth, I'm just trying to help her fever," Phoebe snapped back, dipping a soft cloth in cool water and dabbing the lady's forehead. Her dark hair was snarled and tangled into what used to be a braid and her skin bruised and battered from the storm that Phoebe had pulled her out of. 

"Poppy's right, Phoebe, go on and git, I'll let you know when she's up," Reuben insisted, flapping his hand at her like a bird's uneasy wing. Phoebe nodded stiffly and stood up, following Seth as he trotted out of the healer's hut, heading towards the sea. She sat down on a rock, watching the waves slam into the shore. 

"Phoebe, Phoebe," Seth called, staring up at her, hands beating against the . "Why are you so worried about the human lady?"

Phoebe didn't answer, pulling her skin closer to herself, fingers brushing against where the lady had held it in her hand last night as they waited for her mother come. She had held it over the two of them to keep warm in the sleet and roaring wind. 

No one had ever dared touch her skin. Not even her brothers and sisters, or her mother, not even when she scolded and chastised, Poppy had never touched her children's skins. 

No one, except for that lady, on the brink of freezing to death, who insisted they share it. It left a weird, warm feeling, deep in her guts. She liked this feeling, and being close to the woman made it keep going, burning like a fire.

Later that night, Phoebe sat quietly outside Reuben's hut, watching the flames as her friends and family sang and danced and shared their evening meal. The healer had been absent at dinner, Phoebe could hear his feet shuffling and the tinkle of glass as edhe mixed his horrible tisanes and tinctures for their guest. 

The door opened and Phoebe perked up. Reuben smiled down at her. 

"Do you want to talk to Indira?" he asked, holding it open. 

"Is that her name?" Phoebe asked.  Reuben nodded; Phoebe committed that name to memory.  Indira, Indira. It was beautiful. She stood up and peeked around the doorframe, sniffing the air tentatively. 

Indira's fingers brushed through her hair as she looked around the hut, a cup of tea next to her. Phoebe stepped into the light, adjusting her skin about her shoulders. 

"Hello?" she said softly. Indira stared at her, eyes scanning Phoebe up and down as her fingers stopped their combing. "I am Phoebe." 

"I am Indira Arya Henry," Indira replied, offering her hand. Phoebe took it, staring at it blankly for a moment, uncertain of what to do. She decided to do what she saw in her books and kissed the top of it quickly before letting go. Indira took her hand back, holding it against her lap. "You are the woman who rescued me, yes?"

"Yes. How are you feeling?" Phoebe asked, sitting down on the stool beside the bed. Indira shrugged, her face twinging in pain as she did so. "You are fortunate."

"I, I suppose I am," Indira replied, her lips curving in a soft little smile. "You are very good for helping me." Phoebe's cheeks heated up and her chest swelled a bit as she averted her eyes. Indira thought she was good. 

"I, well, anyone would have done what I have. I, uhm, I will leave you to rest while I fetch you something to eat," she said, standing up and brushing off her skirts. 

"Thank you, Phoebe, I am in your care and debt," Indira said softly. Phoebe nodded as she quickly exited and made a beeline for the communal table. 

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