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Jon stood there, eyes wide dumbfoundedly. His arm still outstretched from where he'd nearly even touched Eduardo.
'What....was that about?' He questioned himself. He gawked at the stair case, when he'd smelt the faint scent of smoke.
In that moment he remembered breakfast and jerked around to see the the food burning.
He gasped and ran to it, shutting off the oven eyes frantically.
That did not save the black and charred eggs though. Jon sighed in disappointment at the loss of the breakfast he was so excited to make.

Upstairs, Eduardo was going through an uncustomary gay panic, but he wasn't gay!

'It has to be the clothes and the make up!' He tried to reason with himself. It made Jon look like girl, that's why he's attracted to him. That had to be it, right?

"Are you the cause of all that yelling and breakfast burning to a crisp?" Mark suddenly spoke.

Eduardo glanced up to find the blonde leant against his bedroom door frame.

The American immediately became hostile, fearing he'd shown weakness. "Fuck off, Mark."

Mark only rolled his eyes, "Eduardo, that only works on Jon."

Eduardo growled in annoyance, "what do you want?"

"I was just curious about you're very quick acceptance of Jon's hobby. You aren't one to be accepting of that kind of thing.
Being a big manly man and all," Mark smirked.
"I'm not that big of an ass."

There was a long silence.

"So,do you think he's cute?"

"I'm not gay, Mark."

"Mmhmm, ok Ed, whatever you say."

Eduardo bristled at the man's teases and stocked out in irritation. 'Stupid Mark, he's a nerd any way...'

Eduardo relished in the soft skin  belonging to Jon, who currently was laying beneath him.
Jon who was wearing a cute blue sweater and a black pleated skirt. Wearing just a bit of make up to highlight his features, mainly shiny lip gloss and mascara.
He wanted to kiss those glossy lips and inhale the comforting scent of jasmine and coconut. He'd wondered if this whole hobby of Jon's was why he'd smelt so good all the time.

"Eddie..." his voice called shyly, a cute worried look adorned his features. It made Eduardo want to do bad things to his innocent roommate.

Eduardo hummed, "yeah?"

"Wake up."


"Wake up."

"Wake up Eduardo!" Jon spoke as he shook the man, "I burned breakfast, so I made brunch!"

Eduardo slowly opened his eyes, blinking before seeing Jon leaning over him.
He jumped, and immediately sat up, which ended in him head butting the brit on the mouth.

"Ow!" Jon backed off, clutching his mouth to nurse the pain.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He immediately jumped and grabbed the others hands. "Let me see!" he insisted.

Eduardo saw that he had busted Jon's bottom lip.

Absent mindedly he reached his hand up to brush his thumb over the bruising lip, to caught up in a fantasy to realize what he was doing.

Jon flushed at how intimate it was, "....ed...Eduardo?"

Eduardo snapped back in to reality and backed off, "you're not bleeding." He tried to sniff condecendingly, but it looked more awkward than what he was going for.

Jon crossed his arms and stared widely, "...thank...you?"


Mark had abruptly decided to go out for breakfast instead, leaving Jon and Eduardo alone to their meal.
"Damn you Mark," Eduardo inwardly cursed the man.

"So..." Jon began, "did you sleep well?"

He was trying strike up conversation, which set off red alerts in Eduardo's mind.
"Uh yeah..." he replied dumbly, before digging into his toasted fried egg sandwich.

"Me too! I dreamt I was a Prince in a castle!" Jon responded warmly.

"What is it with you and wanting to be a Prince?"

Jon pursed his lips, "ah...well, I feel like people would like me more then."

"Who cares if other people like you? If you were a Prince they'd only like you for your money, the way you look would just be a plus."

There was a pause and Eduardo had thought Jon was mulling over his response. He should, considering Jon believed people shouldn't already like him.

"You think the way I look is a plus?" Jon asked in a bit of awe, a small, shy smile gracing his lips.

Eduardo pursed his lips, realizing what he'd said and began to stumble for the right words to fix his mistake.

"W...well I'm mean....you're not...ugly."
'Damn that's sounds dumb.'

Jon looked a little unsure of how to respond to that, "Thankyou?"

"Yeah..." he ate the rest of food quickly and almost made his escape, but a smaller hand caught his own.


Eduardo inhaled a sharp breath and turned his head to face Jon.

Jon stepped back, "do you want to...maybe hangout today?"

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