Chapter 4

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Your POV

After about and hour Todoroki had finally left and it was time for me to open the shop. Kirishima was still here though. And he didn't look like he was going to leave any time soon. As I went behind the counter to bring some of the freshly baked goods to the display case, Kirishima came up to the counter and leaned on it. 

"Hey.. (n/n), why didn't you offer me anything to eat or drink? Hm?" I looked down thinking I could just melt away into the floor. That half lidded gaze and smooth tone... I couldn't handle it. 

"I-I just thought you had eaten already." I swallowed thickly and grew the confidence to look up to him. "did I offend you?"

He smirked and gently shook his head. The stillness in the air kept growing as he pointed to one of the fresh baked muffins. I nodded knowing what he wanted. I didn't want to make him mad in case he would do something to me again while we where alone. 

"Look, (y/n) I am sorry for what I did the other day... could you ever forgive me?" he asked with such a soft voice, even his eyes and body language slacked to become more relaxed. I nodded without thinking. 

"Yes....I-I already forgave you Kirishima."

"You can me Eijiro sweety." he purred while leaning softly on the counter. His gaze never leaving my own as I rang up his order. 

"O-Okay Eijiro." I felt the faintest smile on my lips and looked up to the door when the small bell chimed. Mina was coming in for her shift. 

"Hey Mina." I chuckled as she sighed. 

"Reallllllly don't want to be here." I nodded in agreement and took Kirishima's payment. 

"Alright Eijiro.. I'll see you later." He took his food standing up a little straighter. 

"Hey.... you should come to my place on saturday... I'm throwing a party with some of my friends.''

"I would love to Eijiro, is your friend Bakugou going to be there?" I heard the subtlest growl coming from Kiri, but I brushed it off. maybe he was clearing his throat?

"Yeah... He'll be there." He turned and went to a corner table to eat. Bakugou coming into the shop no less then a half hour later. 

"Oh... look whos here." he smirked and went over. Our eyes locked and my knees went a little weak. He was so handsome.... "Hey beautiful, think I can get a nice tall cup of something hot?"

"Y-you mean like a coffee?" He shook his head and leaned on the counter a little. "Hot chocolate?" he smirked and got closer making me blush. "c-chai tea?" A small huff of a laugh coming from him as he grabbed the tie of my uniform and pulled me to him so where inches apart. 

"I was thinking something more like you princess." I groaned internally. damn... he was killing me. "How about tonight huh? you me... a nice dinner, movie and maybe... dessert?" he looked to my lips and back to my eyes and I just nodded without a word. "Good... meet me at the cinema... 7:30." I nodded and he released me and turned to walk away.

"OOOOOOOOOOO! SOMEONE HAS A DATE WITH BAKUGOU!" Mina screamed from the back making me blush more and turn to quiet her down. 

Kirishima's POV 


I growled and crushed the cup in my hand leaving the Cafe without saying a word to (Y/n). Bakugou was a big issue... he was getting in the way of (y/n)'s true feelings for me... 

I followed Bakugou down the street, I could feel a heavy bleakness covering my heart as I walked up to be next to him. He didn't mind, he knew it was me... he didn't think of me as much of a threat... but he would tonight after work... he was going to get it! 

A/N: Just did a quick to get my attention back into this fucked up story. Honestly I miss Yandere stories... I neeeeed to write more. or hell... even read more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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