"Whoa!" a web slinging peter yelled.

"Heads up Nick Fury's calling you." The screen cut to Happy.

As if on cue Peter's phone started to buzz.

"I don't really want to talk to Nick Fury."

"Answer the phone."


"Because if you don't talk to him then I have to talk to him, I don't want to talk to him."

Then Peter hung up the phone.

Happy looked appalled. "You sent Nick Fury to voicemail?"

"I got to go!" Peter started to leave.

"You do not ghost Nick Fury!"

"Got to admit kids got guts," Natasha said seriously.

"He's doing what I told him to do, making sure that Fury stays far away from him," Tony said a bit proudly.

"What up dorks," MJ came on the screen.

"What's up? We're just talking about the trip," Peter told her.

The real Peter had a small blush on his face.

"I'm here in Saint Marco Pollos-ugh!" Flash yelled as he lived streamed.

"I think MJ really likes me," Peter voiced over as MJ sat by the water with a camera.

"Ooo Petey has a crush," Rhodey teased and Tony just smirked as he ruffled his hair. 

"Reminds me when I first fell in love," Ned said. Then suddenly a dart flew into his neck.

Peter looked a little worried for a second, but Tony assured him that he was probably just fine.

Onscreen Peter stopped brushing his teeth.

"You're a very difficult person to contact, Spider Man." Nick Fury said in the dark corner of the room.

It then showed Peter pulling of his mask and some crazy disco ball guy.

"This is Mr. Beck," Fury said.

The two shook hands.

"We could use someone like you on my world." Beck told Peter.

"Your world?"

"Mr. Beck is from earth just not ours," Nick confirmed. "The snap tore a hole in our dimension."

And the screen showed Maria and Nick shooting at some rock monster.

"Your saying there's a multiverse?" Peter asked as he came back into view.

"You are sch a nerd!" Tony told Peter.

"Oh, come on your telling me that doesn't in the least bit intrigue you?"


"We have a job to do," Fury said. "And you're coming with us."

"Pete you better not go with him," Tony told him.

"I haven't even done this yet.

The scene cut to a water monster erupting from under a bridge.

"There's got to be someone else you can use," Peter voiced over.

Fury came back on screen.

"What about Thor?" Peter asked.

"Off world."

"Captain Marvel?"

"Unavailable," Maria told him.

A fire monster practically exploded in front of MJ's face.

"Look I'm just the friendly neighborhood Spiderman."

The screen showed a Spiderman decked out in an all-black suit, hanging off the side of the building.

"Bitch please you've been to space."

"When did you go to space?!" All them yelled collectively.

"I never went to space!" Peter yelled back.

That Beck guy flew across the sky, shooting at the water monster.

"What do you want Peter?"

"I want to go back on my trip with the girl who I really like and tell her how I feel."

The scene cut to Peter and MJ walking.

"MJ I-"

"Am Spiderman?"

"No, of course I'm not..."

"I mean it's kind of obvious."

Peter just shook his head and the scene changed to one of the elemental monsters attacking a bridge.

"You're  right you may not be ready. But this is my responsibility," Beck told  him. "Saving the world requires sacrifice. Sometimes people die."

"I don't trust that guy," Bucky spoke up.

"Yeah, me neither, I recognize him from somewhere," Tony agreed.

The scene showed Peter taking off Tony's glasses.

"Oh my god," he whispered.

"I gave you my glasses?" Tony asked.

"I guess? Thanks Mr. Stark."

The scene showed devastation then Peter swinging along in a new red and black suit.

"I just always feel like I'm putting my friends in danger," Peter voiced over.

"The world needs the next Iron Man." The screen showed Peter setting up his suit in a very similar way to Tony's.

"You guys are like the same person," Sam said.

"Hey, you don't need to be the next Iron Man, one, I'm not going anywhere, two, you just stay in the neighborhood bud."

Peter just nodded and rested his head on Tony's shoulder.

Then a scene of Beck submerged in green smoke.

"Are you going to step up or not?" Nick asked Peter.

Peter looked to another mural of Iron Man and a look of determination came over his face.

A fire monster attacked, and Peter swung from one building to another.

A plane flew by and the screen showed Happy and a group of teenagers. 

"I got to get you guys out of here!" he yelled. "Get on the jet!"

"Who are you?" MJ asked.

"I work with Spiderman."

"You work for Spiderman?" Flash's voice cracked in excitement at the end.

"I work with Spiderman not for Spiderman," Happy insisted.

The jet blew up behind them.

"New plan!"

The screen cut to black.

"Well, that was enlightening..." Tony said.

"Everything  will make much more sense about why Peter was emotionally traumatized  from this event, well much more than usual I guess" The voice came over the loudspeaker.

They all looked at each other uneasily at that.


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