Chapter 1:

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This is all my fault. If I just didn't sneak around in the first place this wouldn't have happened. 

Both Rog and I would have been free and both of our lives wouldn't depend on me. If I just do one little thing wrong this scale thing would blow us both up. It's just stupid.

Maybe it's even better to be blown up? We've been sitting separated in this goddamn basement for a little over a week now and I am not sitting here any longer! 

But I don't wanna kill Roger. Even If I would die too and he maybe even asks for it I couldn't do it. We've been friends for a little over five years and he's my only friend. Doing that would haunt me forever even if I'm dead. 

I lean on the wall.

Just think of all the things we've done together.

That one time we met. I had just opened the store when I noticed his blue eyes staring at me from the outside. He was smiling and I did the same. Some minutes passed before he got in

"You doesn't look like someone who reads that much." I smiled

"Nah.. I was actually gonna ask you for a lunch..."

It started just that simple and we became best friends right there and then. And it's just this last year I've been realizing my crush on him. His eyes had always made me feel warm and just being near him makes me forget everything. I could've been crying and just him being there can make me laugh. Sometimes I even forget my dead parents. They were my only family and when they died I had nothing. 

But then of course I met Roger. He made me feel like I had something. Something even my own parents couldn't give me. It was real care and love. Sure, they gave me that but not that much. It's like they stopped loving me for real. Roger is there for me when I need him and he can even go from school to comfort me.

I remember one time it happened.

I was bullied and I've managed to escape and I ran crying past Rogers classroom. 

He got up and without saying a word he ran after me. He comforted me all day and talked calmly about how much of an idiot my bullies were.

That was the good times before I met Lucas. For a start he seemed genuine and I really loved him. It was like I forgot a little about Roger. But then it happened.

I saw a letter on his kitchen table and I know I shouldn't have opened it but it seemed so different from att the other letters, what's the worst that could happen? Yeah... Just that happened. The letter said something about an illegal drug deal. I was shocked about how my own boyfriend could do something like this.

I decided, as stupid as I am, to look around and search for more evidence. I got to search for a while but he saw me. He said I couldn't tell anyone and I listened because he scared me. But that didn't seem to be enough.

He tricked Roger and kidnapped him and when I was looking for him and saw him in Lucas basement Lucas locked me in to.

I was thrown in a dark room all alone. I didn't get anything in there and I could only see from a little opening from the otherwise covered window.

Some hours in I realized that Roger was in the room nextdoor and that we could talk through the door. So we talked for almost all the time. But when Lucas or one of his "friends" came in to either give us food or punish us we couldn't. They would be really angry and sometimes hurt us so bad that it bleed. 

We sat there ,talked and missed our home, for a week. I had started becoming desperate to not being there and I started considering taking my life. But then one day Lucas came i to me. He gave me 8 keys and a scale that could compare different weights. He said these exact words to me before he left:

"Now are both of your lives if your  hands. If you get out your little friend in two hours you two are free to go. If not, you are gonna be staying here 'til you die. One of these keys is a little bit lighter than all the other ones. That's the right one. You can weigh the keys two times. Not more or it'll blow up. You can only use one key on the door one time or it'll blow up too. If any of these blow up, both of you will die. Good luck solving this in two hours, love!" He said before he closed the door and locked it.

That is where we are now. The time is running out. If I'm right it is only about half an hour left. 


I have no fucking idea of how I am going to do this. It's just stupid. All Lucas little puzzles he did for me before all this has always been stupid. He is stupid! 


Oh god! I did it!

I am pretty proud about how this turned out actually! Maybe a little depressing but that's what I'm all for! Btw I hope you like it! I'll see if I can update tomorrow but either way it'll come up this week.


Let Me Live |Roger Taylor|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang