It had been 3 days since then, and things hadn't gotten any better, whoever is responsible for these troublesome things is doing their best to hide their identity and evidences that might lead to them.

Y/N refused to appear, and Kirisu keeps getting pranked.

She had bruised her other knee yesterday because of the same "tape prank" only it had a ruse for to be effective via the tape applied on the lower part of the door, the higher part was the real deal, it caught her face causing her to get dazed and then she tripped on the lower part of the door.

And of course, there were no signs of the culprits... They're really gonna have alot to answer for once they're caught.

Now the stuff Y/N and her used for their classes were ruined, she's irritated more than anything now.

Irritated that it's getting harder to solve the case, and irritated that she can't see how her student is.

Knowing how he tends to court trouble, it makes her tremendously worried.

She slumped down to her chair and began to think...

Would it all end if she figures this out? Surely, Y/N would get mad since she just lied to him.

What would she do, if she found out who the real culprit was? Does she talk to headmaster to not only report those who are responsible, but to also prove Y/N's innocence, thus finally saving him from hatred that has caused him suffering for so long.

It is evident to her that he's avoiding her since he knows he's bound to get her mixed up in his mess.

He doesn't know that she's already become a target.

Kirisu stood from her seat and exited the room, it was another day without Y/N...

She paid the faculty a visit in hopes of searching for evidence, but after abit of fiddling, she thought about searching the classrooms after-school.

"That's it..."

"I'll search the rooms later.."

She muttered before setting out for the laboratory once again to find any sort of evidence within the desks and shelves.

She already has the formula used for the explosion chemical at her house, it already proves that whoever caused this, isn't Y/N.

Just the handwriting is enough to know, but of course...the people would demand more proof, so she needs to gather more..

Her suspicion over a certain teacher and their students was starting to reach 85%, he would coax her to stop caring for the liar and help him get kicked out, even though she has already refused several times.

Looking at the clock, she noticed it would be after-school soon, so she needed to stay,vigilant and make up an excuse for her to stay behind since the culprits would immediately suspect her of something, but that is to be expected.

She is prepared to face them...

"I hope you're okay, Y/N kun..."


"That's the last of em! Man, everyday...their efforts just keep on leveling up! I wonder what's in store for tomorrow?"

A boy stood by the dimly lit hallways with scissors and rope in hand.

"It's really touching that they did all of this for me~ I feel so important! Nishishi~"

He entered a specific classroom to see a neat area with torn books set aside...he approached the said books and inspected every torn page.

It had vulgar words and insults directed at whoever is using textbooks.

Then upon opening a math textbook, a piece of paper fell out.

He picked it up to see a drawing with two figures doing a "peace" sign.

Though he was unhappy with what he has seen...

The words were vulgar much like the textbooks, but they weren't directed at any random person...They were directed at a specific someone.


That's when he realized something...

The traps set up in various places he rarely goes, bandages on the trashcan by the infirmary...these torn uo and vandalized textbooks and notebooks...

They weren't only targetting him.

There was someone other than him too...



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Hi!! We're getting closer!

To what, you ask?



Anyways, I'm in need of some feedback, what do ya'll think of this story so far?

-Mod Ouma

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