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Cassie's POV:
I wake up in Colby's arms and I look up to see Colby awake. "Good morning baby girl" he says softly. "Where did Sam and Kat go?"I ask. "To get you some real breakfast so you wouldn't have to eat shitty hospital food" he says laughing. "Oh baby, you know me so well" I say laughing into his chest. "The doctor said that you can get discharged on Friday" he says smiling. "Yay only four more day in the hospital" I say sarcastically. Sam and Kat then walk in with I hop and I eat my breakfast within like 10 minutes. I lay back on Colby's chest and go on my phone. After a while I feel Colby's grip start to loosen on my hand. I look up to see him asleep with his head on the side rail on the bed. I smile and kiss his cheek and cover him with the blankets. I lay my head back on his chest and continue to scroll through Instagram. After a while I watch a Christmas movie with Sam and Kat and then they go home to get some sleep. I decided to stay up because I wasn't tired at all. The doctor walks in and starts to speak softly because Colby is asleep.
"Okay so here are you discharge papers, you can leave right now" he says enthusiastically making me almost jump out of the bed. I sign it and and then wake up Colby. "Colby baby I can go home" I say smiling. He smiles at me and groggily her up and goes to the bathroom. He comes out with his hair fixed and he is wide awake now. I gather my stuff and change into normal clothes then we walk to the car and I get in the passengers seat and we start to drive home. As soon as we pull out into traffic Colby puts his hand on my thigh and start to rub it making me fall asleep. I then am woken up by Colby patting my thigh with his hand gently. "Baby get up we are home" I open my eyes and look at him and we both lean in towards each other and kiss. We pull away and then walk up to Kat and I's apartment. We walk in to see Sam and Kat watching a movie. We just decide to go to bed. I then hop in the shower and walk back out to see Colby sleeping on my bed shirtless. He has his phone in his hand. Guess he couldn't stay awake.  I grab his phone and he doesn't move at all. I lay in bed beside him and he puts his arm around my waist and puts his head in the crook of my neck and starts to snore. "I love you baby boy" I say softly. He mumbled something back but I knew what he meant to say. I laid there and ran my finger through his hair until I fell asleep. I woke up to Colby gone. I get up and get dressed and walk I to the living room to see Sam and Colby asleep on the couch and Kat standing there laughing. "What is going on" I ask laughing along with her.
"Let's just say they got up early to edit and you see how that worked out" she then runs over to Sam and jumps on him and he shootouts up confused. I wasn't going to even try that with Colby because I know he wouldn't wake up so I knew it was useless. I walk over to him and move his hair out of his face and kiss his forehead. "Do you want to go do something today?" She asks. I nod and speak up. "Do you want to just hang out and watch movies with Tara" I say laughing. She nods and we leave the apartment to walk down the hall to Tara and Jake's place. We walk in to see Jake asleep on the couch and Tara packing a bag in the bedroom. "Tara what happened?" Kat and I ask. "Jake is being an asshole that's what happened. Can I sleep over your place tonight?" She asks crying. "Yeah sure let's go there now. Sam and Colby are thee but they are asleep" I say laughing. We then walk back to the apartment and plop on the couch beside the sleeping boys. Colby lays on my chest while Tara is on my shoulder and Sam is on Kat's chest at Colby's feet. We put on the grinch. Yes the grinch again. After the grinch we watched the home alone 1 and 2. By the time we watched those three it was lunch time so we ordered pizza because the boys were now up. We all sat and watched movies all day and cuddled together like babies. Yes I know weird but we are all best friend and some of us are dating so screw ur right. YOLO. Anyways we are sitting watching the movie when there is a knock at the door.
Colby opens it and is practically blasted to the wall and slumps over onto the floor. I run over to him while Sam charges for the guy. Elton appears and he kills the rogue vamp. I lift up Colby's head to see his forehead dripping blood. "Are you okay bubba" I say slightly crying. "Yeah baby I'm okay just a little scratch up" Colby says trying to stand. "No Cole don't stand yet relax" I say sternly. "He was working alone so we have nothing to worry about" Elton says wiping blood off his lip. Colby then lays down in my bed to rest and falls right to sleep.

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