The Analogy

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  • İtfaf edildi Ryan Chan Zhi Jie



"Um, do I know you?" She asks.

"I, I think so." I chuckle.

A momentary silence descends, the only sounds I hear across the phone are the faint whirling of fans.

"Ah, I think I know you." She finally answers.

"What's my name?" I ask just to be sure.

"If I'm wrong, you'll, not hunt me down or be my worst nightmare, will you?" Her voice sounds insecure.


"That's not an answer." She sounds as if chiding me.

I clear my throat and lay prostrate on my bed with linen sheets and a feathery pillow. "So you're saying you don't know my name?"

"Did I say I don't know your name?" I can hear her getting a lil' fed up, though her cheery voice tells me this conversation will not be an abridged or short one.

"I was merely infering." I try to sound like a nerd.

"Brandon Lee Collins, you've just given yourself away." I smack my forehead immediately when I knew I sounded nothing like a professor, but even more like my usual self.

I chortle. "Fine, you've got me."

Across the phone, she supresses a laugh as if she were Achimedes yelling 'Eureka'.

"Yeah, watcha call me for?" She calms down after a while.

"You're, not at the party, right?" She better say 'No'.

"Not really? Why aren't you there?"

"My parents never let me out for such things, and definitely not at this hour" -I sigh- "And my sisters, they lock me in."

"Are you freaking serious?! What kind of sisters are they?!" She hollers across the phone.

"Stepsisters, horrible ones. And please stop yelling across, I'm not deaf."

"Sorry, my bad." Her voice gradually fades off softer.

"And, I've figured out you're the only one available." My head sinks into the pillow, creating a 'sinkhole' in the middle of it.

"How 'bout you, why aren't you at the party?" I ask.

"I'm currently babysitting my little cousins, just for today. My uncle and aunt are holidaying in Cancun, and them cousins are coming over for a couple of days."

"Oh, I see. They're sleeping soundly?"

"Sweeter and sounder than you can ever imagine."

A longer-than-momentary-silence dawns upon as if like a human apocalypse as I search for something, just something to say. I guess talking to girls is a bit tough sometimes.

"This is getting, 'awk'." She finally says something.

"Yeah. Maybe, we can share about, our dreams, hopes, futures I suppose." I reply, not knowing what I've just said just set the ground for a long, possibly boring conversation. Technically, the only non-boring part would be listening to her answer.

"Well, some include travelling to every country in the world, bungee jump in New Zealand, -heard the facilities there are awesome- and enjoy life." I prop myself for my back to lean against the backrest of the bed.

"But, what I really want most in life, to date someone, to meet someone so unimaginable, and to fall in love with someone so crazily amazing." She concludes with one of those romantic sighs, as I grab a palm-sized tennis ball on my table and start tossing it into the air and catching it. This is getting interesting.

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