“True… but that was before I gave birth…” I looked down awkwardly, biting my lip as he tilted my head up.

“Amelia…” he murmured softly. “You’re beautiful… and don’t you ever think differently.” He pulled me gently towards the shower. “I’ll go out if you’d like…”

“No, it’s just…” I trailed off, my eyes trailing down to where his red leather pants were slightly opened…and I made myself turn away. “I’m more body conscious now than I was before… before…” I sighed. “I had the twins via C-section…”

“Amy, I know.” Marilyn murmured against my neck, suddenly behind me, making my body shudder in a very familiar way. “Or, rather… Tess told me…” he sighed softly, wrapping his arms about my middle to hug me from behind. “I honestly just want a hot shower with you and then snuggle in bed… I won’t look below your face if you’d like-”

“No…no…it’s… fine…” I finally stuttered out as he turned me to face him again.

“Are you honestly trying to hide that you’re nervous?” he asked with a tender smile that made my heart ache. “Oh, sweetheart…” he trailed off, tugging me towards the shower. “Here, I won’t look, promise.” He turned his back to me so I could undress.

I bit my lip. “Brian?” I asked, my voice so quiet even I barely head it… but he turned to look at me again as I stepped towards him. “I…” I trailed off, my words suddenly gone. No longer able to say how I felt, I showed him; leaning up to press a soft kiss against his lips, jumping ever so slightly as his hands found their way to my waist as he deepened the kiss little by little until it had turned into a gentle make-out session.

“The hot water’s running…” he murmured softly, resting his forehead against mine as we caught our breath.

“I know…” I replied just as softly, biting my lower lip as I looked up into his eyes shyly. “Undress me?”

He smiled, a light chuckle escaping him as his hand came up to cup my face gingerly. “Of course, love…”

I blushed lightly as he leant down to kiss me again, slipping his tongue into my mouth momentarily when I gasped as he began lifting my shirt up; his fingers brushing lightly against the skin at my sides and then along my arms. I watched him place my shirt with his, his eyes never leaving mine as he began to undo my jeans; pressing a kiss against the light scar from the C-section as he peeled my jeans down my legs and got me to step out of them.

I swallowed nervously as he stood, my eyes closing when he leant down and pressed a kiss to my cheek as he reached around and unclipped my bra; trowing it with the rest of our clothes as I finally moved my hands down to help him out of his leather pants…but he stopped me.

“Let me…” he murmured, tugging them off in one swift movement, and I blushed as I notice he’d not been wearing anything underneath. “Oh my…” he murmured as he saw my blush, stepping over to me again. “I forgot how beautiful you are when you blush like that…” he chuckled when I ducked my head slightly, blushing more when he pointed out the obvious. “Now, forgive me of I’m wrong… but panties aren’t really something one wears in the shower…”

“Oh, of course… how silly of me…” I mumbled, gasping softly when he pulled me against him; his hands trailing down my back and into the back of my panties as he kissed me… loosening them so that they simply fell to the floor at my feet. A quiet cry of shock did escape me, however, when I felt him life me slightly. “What are you-”

“Just lifting you into the shower…” Marilyn replied with a soft laugh as he closed the shower door. “Now, turn around.”

“What for?”

“Please turn around?” he smiled benignly at me, and I turned. “Good, now…” he trailed off and I felt him guide me under the shower; the hot water and his hands massaging my shoulders removing the stress of the day rather quickly.

“Mmm…” I hummed, a soft moan leaving my lips as he worked a knot in my lower back and pressed a firm kiss against the nape of my neck.

He chuckled, a warm, rich sound that made me tremble slightly. “Well, someone’s nice and relaxed…”

“It’s your magic hands…” I chuckled in response, sighing happily as his arms wrapped about me and the hot water cascaded down over both over us. “We shoud get out soon…”

“I’ve not done your hair yet.” Marilyn smiled against my skin as his arms slithered back behind me and I heard the click of a shampoo bottle opening… and then felt Marilyn’s hands in my hair, massaging my scalp as he washed my hair.

I groaned with pleasure. “You…don’t have to do this…you know?”

“I know…” he replied calmly. “I want to though…”

And so he continued; running his hands though my hair and over my body until I was so relaxed I was almost unconscious. I was vaguely aware of him turning off the water and wrapping a towel around me… but the trip from the bathroom to my bedroom with him was completely erased from my memory when I lay down in bed with Marilyn; cuddling into his side when he wrapped his arms about me and tugged the covers higher.

The last thing I heard before sleep took me was him whispering. “I love you… my beautiful little angel…”

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