Chapter 12: Sayo-Nara

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Deku's P.O.V

"Please don't cry" They looked at me ."Deku I'm sorry for every self-centered thing I ever done." After she apologizes, All Might and Kacchan started  apologizing."Young Midoriya I apologize as well. I should have paid more attention to your feelings more." Oh no I hope this doesn't play out like with Dad. A couple thing can get me mad, one of them is people apologizing too much."Nerd- I mean Izuku I'm also sorry, I shouldn't have bullied him all these years. I'm such a jerk." 


I've had enough of this apologizing 

"P-Please stop apologizing you guys did n-nothing w-wrong." Uraraka new the reason why I had said 'I hate you' to my Dad. It was he was a-apologizing to much. 

(The next day) 

I was finally let go of the nurses office. 

"Deku do you want to walk to class together" I nodded my head. As we walked past class 1-C I saw those same kids from last time."Well look who it is, Its the broccoli head who attempted to jump off the roof. Did your villain girlfriend push girl friend push you off or were you just a clumsy ass bitch who fell off himself." His friends started laughing."Hey stop bullying him he's gone through so much pain- OW!" Before she finished talking, the man pushed her. "What are you his body guard, is he that weak." Once again he started laughing. I couldn't take it anymore.  I helped Uraraka up and then I pushed the boy back. Uraraka and those boys were shocked at my action. So was I.  

I quickly sprinted towards the principles office. Leaving them standing or sitting in pure shock. 


"Principle Nezu I'm feeling sick may I go home.","Yes you may" So I left the school grounds. 

Uraraka's P.O.V

Did he... 

... Just do what I think he just did. 

I ran to homeroom class, Leaving those class 1-C idiots there. "Ah Uraraka where's Midoriya."Iida asked me.  I guess I should tell him."Well long story short, some class 1-C kids were being rude to him, I stepped in but they pushed me back. I guess Deku kind of snapped and pushed him back. He ran away somewhere I guess he was just as shocked as me." Iida thought for a moment."Maybe he needed some space." I nodded. 

Little did I know that a certain angry Pomeranian was listening to our conversation. 

Bakugo's P.O.V  

(after school) 

So class 1-C bitches were missing with my Boyfriend. I'll teach them a lesson later. Right now I have to Make sure Deku's ok. 

Deku's P.O.V

When I got home. I grabbed a piece of paper and pen. I then started writing my suicide note. 'sorry I have to go so soon. But i'm useless and a waste of space so no one will even know I'm gone. I just couldn't take the pain anymore. Heh I guess I was good for something after all, being useless. but I just want to say... I love you 3,000' ( Iron man and Grunkle Stan are true heroes! TwT)

I took the note too my room and placed it on my bed. I made 20 cuts on my wrist, 4 on the bottom of my eye, and 2 on the top of my hand,and then I made a noose. As I hung it from the ceiling, I started to think of all the bad things in my life. From Kacchan telling me to take a swan dive to my mom's passing. 

"Mom, Dad.... 

.... see you soon" 

I got on the chair and put the noose around my neck."Lets start from the beginning shall we" I cleared my throat. 

"All Might thank you for everything. Kacchan you deserve someone better. You've been the best boyfriend ever. Uraraka you're like an older sister to me, But this petite boy short as can be is gonna jump now and be free" I pushed the chair backwards and I immediately started to choking. I couldn't breath. My vision was getting blurry and my eyes became more dull. I soon went limp and couldn't move 

" I-I L-love y-yo-you 3-3,000"  

Bakugo's P.O.V  

As I knocked on the door no one opened,"That's strange" Luckily I had a spare key. As I opened the door, the sound of nothing hit me. Its way to quiet. 

"Deku, Deku where are you!" I looked everywhere but found nothing. The only place left was his room.I knocked on the door 3 times"Deku I know you're in there." 

No response. 

"Well then i'm coming in, in 3... 2... 1!" 

I gently open the door. 

( Play the song now!)  



I fell to my knees and started crying."W-why Deku..." His hands were filled with blood and his eyes were as Dull as ever.  My eyes landed on a note on his bed. I got up and read the note. 

'sorry I have to go so soon. But i'm useless and a waste of space so no one will even know I'm gone. I just couldn't take the pain anymore. Heh I guess I was good for something after all, being useless. but I just want to say... I love you 3,000'


Now I was in tears if I wasn't already. 

(Time skip to his funeral) 

Everyone was crying including me.  All might was muttering stuff like,'Young Midoriya you've been a great student.' I saw floaty bitch go to his grave and mutter something like'I love you, you were like a brother to me' 

After her was me. I bent  down and started talking to him."Deku, thank you for being the best boyfriend I've ever had. Good bye Izuku you were a kind lovable Hero. And you are my number 1 hero." I couldn't hold back the tears. I looked up at the sky. 

"I love you 3,000 Izuku" 

 Deku's P.O.V

W-where am I.I was standing on clouds. Am I ... In heaven? "Izuku" I heard 2 familiar voices."M-Mommy, D-Daddy!" I ran towards them and started crying ,"Izu I'm so happy to see you and your mother again-""Dad * Sniffle* I'm sorry for saying that I hated you!" He smiled sweetly at me," Its ok I know you didn't mean it, But how about instead of saying sorry lets say thank you! I'll start. Izu thank you for being the best son a parent could ask for.Thank you for taking care of you're mother when I couldn't. Thank you for being kind to all your classmates. thank you-" Before he could continue I interrupted ,"Stop!* Sniffle* my turn, Thank you for being a kind father. Thank you for helping mama make yummy food. Thank you for always being their for me!" I let all my emotions slip out."Well than shall we get going"Mom said. We nodded.  

Then we stepped into the light. 

The True ending

At first we're laughing Now we're crying (Depressed deku x Bakugo Book #1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu