1. This is The Day

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Jack's POV

Arendale,it was completely torn apart

No building for miles was even standing

And it was deserted

No signs of life anywhere

And the smoke

god,awful smoke

It burned my lungs making it harder and harder to breathe

My eyes started to water 

"Jack!" a voice cried out

" Elsa!?" I shouted back

I made my way through the thick smoke and saw her

Her pale skin was filthy and her uniform was in shreds

Beautiful as ever

As soon as she saw me she shot a blast at m

"Just get away from me!" Elsa screamed at me

I loved her!

But father told me that she and her parents are evil and trying to declare war!


I ran away.

Tears running down my face. I loved her so much! Why?!?!

Fire. Fire every where. Ashes. Ashes all around me. Blood? Why is there blood?!

"King Jack!"

what who? Who's calling me?

"King Jack!"


It was just a dream...

Tears falling down my face.

It was the day. The day where I will send Queen Elsa the message...

The start of the war.


Hai!!! peeeps

it's meh @disney_nutella_girl !!!!

Sooooo this collab is different from all the others. This is like a one shot , where me and Allie will surprise each other chapter by chapter xD

We dont plan it chapter by chapter so if there are tons of loop holes then sowwy!!!!!

peace out!



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