She pulled out her BlackBerry and pressed 6 on her speed-dial. Immediately, Tillie picked up with a rushed, "Yes, Ava, dear?"

   "Can't find a dress for Sunday's debut. I need something small and sexy," Ava said into the little thin phone. 

   Tillie breathed a huge sigh into the phone, making a loud noise that hurt Ava's tiny ears. She pulled her head away for a moment.

   "Ava, you're still working on that thing? How hard is it to find a dress?" Tillie asked.

   Ava scratched her red hair-covered scalp and rolled her hazel eyes. "Well, gold really doesn't go with red hair," Ava remarked, throwing Char a look that said, "Get that ugly golden piece of crap out of my sight before I call the cops for a fashion felony!"

   "Okay? So don't choose anything gold," Tillie advised. "The first step to finding the right dress is figuring out the colors that look good, and the ones that don't." That's one thing that Ava really liked about Tillie; she was always one step ahead and she was quite the problem-solver.

   "I know," Ava grumbled, sipping the last of her Red Bull before smashing the can with her fist. "But green is so out this season, but it looks good on me. But if I wear green, I'll look like a leprechaun that just got covered in Christmas tree puke lost on its way to a rainbow. I swear, if I don't find the perfect dress in less than two minutes, I'm gonna freak."

   "Sweetness, I'll look everywhere I can. Aren't you at Bloomie's?"

   Ava dropped her slender shoulders. "Yeah-and actually, we're not having much luck."

   Tillie sighed again. Apparently, the Hollywood teenage life was a little too complicated for her to understand some times. Ava loved designer. Anything with a pricy tag and a notorious name was right for her. K-Mart? Kohl's? Old Navy? Never.

   "Look, I know you love name-brand. But sometimes, all that matters is your style. If it's tight on you, it's right on you." That had always been Tillie's motto for Ava ever since their first fitting when they'd found out that Ava was definitely more stylin' in tight minis.

   Ava smiled as if there were hope when she heard Tillie's saying. "Thanks. But you'll still drop by to help, right?"

   "Always," Tillie replied with a smile, even though Ava couldn't see it. "Love you bunches. Mwah!" She blew a kiss into the phone and they both hung up.

   A split-second later, as Charlotte was rummaging through dress after dress; a strange sight caught her mocha-brown eyes. Could it be? An original Dolce & Gabbana limited edition deep purple mini. Perfectly tight, perfectly chic, and perfectly Avadorable. They had both seen it in Teen Vogue, listed as part of the styles everyone would be talking about. And there it was, hanging right behind a brown Louis Vuitton knockoff spelled "Luis Vuitton" on the label and in front of another one of Pierre VonHugh's phony designs. 

   "Ava, you'll love me for this," Char mumbled, pulling the dress of the rack. It had dark purple and black roses along the top, and there were no straps. Its velvet material felt unreal in Charlotte's hands, like she never dreamt of even seeing such a design in person. Ava, on the other hand, looked at Dolce & Gabbana designs every day, practically. "I have found a legendary mini...and in your size!"

   Instantly, Ava snatched the purple dress and hugged it to the orange owl. "Oh my godfather! You found it, finally! Thank you, Char, you're the best!" she squealed, taking her little legs and scampering off to a fitting room.

   She threw off her True Religions and her Delia's tee and slid into the amazing Dolce & Gabbana beauty. Ava admired herself in the mirror and looked at the velvet that squeezed her slim stomach and murmured, "Avadorable! Perfectly Avadorable!" and took it off. 

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