feild trip

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Don't worry, this will be a very different story here, Peter has already graduated high school and become an unofficial Avenger. His identity is still secret.

This was a one shot idea I never finished. It's up for adoption if someone wants it. Just tell me/give me a link and give me credit for inspiration.

It was late in the year and as a treat for winning the decathlon championship for the first time in 4 years, the Midtown high decathalon team was going to take a trip to the most technologically advanced company in New York. Stark Industries.
Wich also happens to double as the New York HQ for the Avengers.
They were excited was an understatement.

Noses were pressed against the glass as the bus pulled up to the front doors of the skyscraper. A young woman in a sharp suit walked up to great the eager teens. She had almost an artificial beauty and shine to her skin.

"Hi! Welcome to Stark Industries. HQ of the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes," She said joyfully. "I am TERRI. Tourists Expert, Regulater and (near)Real Intelligence. Mr. Stark has disined me to personally handle tours, I am equipped for any situation and have enough knowledge to answer any questions. Please follow me to security. "

The team and teachers that accompanied them 'Ooh'ed and 'aw'ed at the AI. After all, Stark industries had the most advanced AI's in the world. Quickly, they followed her(it?) Into the building. There, waiting for them was a grumpy looking man in a black suit, he had a silver ID around his neck. He was holding a tray of white bages, almost identical to his.

"This is is the head of security, Happy Hogan. You will receive a security pass from Mr. Hogan. You must wear your bage at all times," she spoke as clear as humanly possible- or, the equivalent for an android. "You will then scan your bage each time you enter a room. Am I clear?" They could tell she was not to be messed with. Each student grabbed a pass and walked through a second set of doors that led to the rest of the building.

They explored multiple floors of robotics labs, medical labs, computer labs, offices full of interns and workers, and the cafeteria, where they stopped for lunch.

"This is where scientists, interns, staff and the like eat dishes made by our high quality, gourmet chefs. We greatly value the physical and mental health of our workers. If we are lucky, we may also see the members of the Avengers, who dine frequently with the staff." Staited TERRI. And as if on que, none other than the black widow and Hawkeye. "Class, may I introduce Black Widow, aka, Agent Natasha Romanoff, and hawkeye, aka, Clint barton."

"Hey, the... the team from Midtown, right?" Asked Hawkeye. "Nat and I are going to train a bit after this, if there's time, maybe you should come watch," he invited them.

"I don't know if they'd enjoy you geting your butt kicked by a couple of spiders." The students eyes widened at the mention of witnessing the Avengers train and even wider at the mention of the two spiders.

Out of all the avengers, Spiderman was the ony one with a secret identity.
He was also the only one shamed on by media, well the Daily Beugle. More specifically, the editor; J. Johnna Jamison. No one knew why he was so hated by the man, but from experience, they knew the accusations were false.

The class ate as fast as they could so they may get to the rest of the tour and see a bit of the training between the heroes.

Once finished, they met again outside the cafeteria doors for TERRI. "For the second half of your tour, I'm to show you around the top of the tower, used mostly by the Avengers," She paused to let the fangirls squeal and the super geeks gasped and whispered.

"Please swipe your ID's to get into the elevator, as needed to access floors above 70," TERRI explained.

"Why'd we never have to do that for the other floors?" A tall, dark skind girl asked.

"Where the lower half of the tower is Stark Industries with high security, the upper levels are Avengers tower, which are even more restricted. Needing a clearance level platinum, gold, or a special guest pass as you have," they were now on a floor a few above, floor 75.

It opened up to a large, Hulk-proof window showing the large lab on the other side. "Both Dr. Banner, and Mr. Stark have their own labs, and one joined lab. Where Mr. Stark's lab is more technology and computer based and is not approved for the tour, Dr. Banner is more open and chemistry baced."

"Look! Look there! It's the Bruce Banner!" One of the kids pointed out. And he was there, his back to the stunned students, he appeared to be studying a formula. The teenagers started to whisper about what they have herd about the renounced scientist.

But any noise disappeared instantly when a man, maybe in is early 20's, wearing a red and blue spandex suit walked in. He had no mask on, but his face was obscured by the large container of books and machines he was carrying. Only allowing his messy brown hair to show.

"Is that-?"
"It is-"
"I can't see,"
"It's spiderman!"
"Where's his mask?"
The rambling conversations continued as Bruce noticed the other man and smiled as he took some of the load of his arms and set them down.
Miraculously, with out showing his face, Spiderman put the rest of the stuff down, picked up some chemicals and started mixing them with Banner.

"Let's continue the tour," TERRI said to allow the two in the lab to work peacefully.

Floor 74 was clean, modern, and spacious. There were curtains pulled back to reveal the 12 beds lining one wall, ready for patients. Against the other were machines and cabinets full of medical supplies that must have cost a fortune, which, mind you, probably had.
"Welcome to med bay," TERRI opened her arms gesturing the room around them. "This is where the Avengers and company with the ocational SI worker come to be treated for extreme injuries such as chemical and electrical burns during experiments, or a wound after a mission or training for the Avengers."

Like the rest of the rooms, silently guests stared slack jawed at the modern teck around them.

"The door at the end of the room is for surgeries that are needed on the rare emergency and for long term patients," she supplied. " Now if you'll follow me," she turned back to the elevator and indicated them to scan their badges again. But before she could, Bruce walked in, gave the class a surprised but excited smile and grabbed a few things deon one of the shelves.

"Hey, TERRI. Sorry, just grabbing some things for Sam," at their confused looks he corrected himself. "Falcon. He got thrown into a wall by Captain America." The students gasped at the thought of the Avengers training. Again. They were so easy to please.

"Fourtionetly, Dr. Banner, we have some time to spare now. We were invited to watch some of your training. I believe the students would like to accompany you to the training levels to spectate."

Bruse thought about it for a second before nodding and letting them follow him into the elevator.

When they arrived, there was a brightly light hall that surrounded a raised, padded floor. In one corner, there was a boxing ring. A rock wall covered an entire side of the room. There were rings and rope hanging from the ceiling, and stacks and stacks of reinforced punching bags and dummies.

On the other side was workout equipment from huge weights to olipticals to advanced treadmills. There were flying targets, still targets and targets that looked like they would shoot back. Any superhero/workout nut's dream.

And smack dab in the middle of it all was a small group of people in workout gear and skin tight suits. One of wich was pouting on the floor as his comrades stifled laughter or had a concerned look on their face.

Bruse walked up to them with his newly acquired medical supply's and checked the man out. "I'mb fide." Falcon waved off, mummbling around the blood flowing down his face and getting to his feet. "Do'd need to go off,"

"That broken nose says different, " said Bruce. "Come on, before you get blood all over Tony's floor and he starts complaining about dry cleaning  training mat prices."

"Hey!" Said Tony Stark from the back of the group. A few kids squeaked in fangirl/boy as they noticed the genius.

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