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It's around 2 am and I've almost fallen asleep, I keep replaying what Joji said in my head, I never expected him to say that. Sure we've been getting close and Ian had told me he likes me but I didn't take it seriously I mean it's Ian after all. A soft knock on the door pulls me from my half-dreaming half overthinking state. I push myself out of bed and quietly open the door to reveal a sleepy Joji, "can we talk" he asks fidgeting with the string on his pajama pants. I nod and push the door open more to let him in. I rub my eyes and put on my glasses. He closes the door behind him, no doubt to keep Ian from listening in if he's still awake. He sits down in the window nook that's filled with pillows, I sit down next to him and pull my legs under me. "Soo..." I trail off picking at the hem of my shirt. He pushes his hair back and flashes me a nervous smile, "uhh I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was just fucking with you earlier, I probably should have told you in a better way but you gotta bear with me I'm not the best at this." He looks at me with sincerity in his eyes. "I'll admit it caught me by surprise." I laugh a bit. I chew the inside of my cheek waiting for him to respond. "Not to be weird but I haven't really been able to stop thinking about you since you got here." I blush as he continues. "I'm kinda hoping we could continue hanging out after the trip, hell maybe if I'm lucky I'll eventually get a date." He says looking hopeful. I smile, "I'd like that. And maybe you will get that date." He grins clearly getting the answer he wanted. "So how about we open the window and enjoy the ocean air, a cigarette, and each other's company?" I nod in agreement and get up to get my pack of cigarettes out of my backpack as he tries to open the window as quietly as possible. I giggle to myself knowing if anyone sees us they'll probably think we're high school kids sneaking cigarettes and hiding it from our parents or that I snuck him through my window, which technically I did sneak him in my room so it's not far off. I take one out of the pack and hand the lighter and cigs to him. I sit on the other side of the nook facing him as he takes one out of the pack for himself and lights it before reaching over and lighting mine. I sit there content with the string of events that led me to this point. I turn to look out of the window feeling Joji's gaze on me, he scoots closer and throws his cigarette butt out the window before wrapping his arms around me, his head resting on my back. I finish my cigarette and smile enjoying Joji's warmth. He picks his head up and rests it on my shoulder, "can we sit here a little longer?" I nod again and lean back into him. "You know if you want to stay close and hang out you're probably gonna need to give me your number." He says trying to be smooth. I shake my head and smile again, "do you have your phone?" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone handing it to me, smiling again at his success. I put my number in his phone and save it under "Ash Ketchum" with a purple heart emoji then take a pic of the two of us to set as the contact picture sending it to myself as well before handing his phone back. I yawn and rub my eyes under my glasses. "Guess I should probably let you get back to bed huh?" He chuckles. I stand up and stretch, "I mean I am kinda tired. Plus you did wake me up." He grins and stands up, "Sorry. I couldn't sleep and Ian was already past the point of no waking." He pulls me into a hug. "It's ok. I know Ian's definitely grumpier than me if you manage to wake him up so I get it." I wrap my arms around him. "Well goodnight, I'll see you in the morning." He squeezes me for a second before letting go. I follow him to the door, he stops right outside of my room, "oh and one more thing..." He leans down and kisses me on the cheek. "Sweet dreams." He smiles and heads to his room winking at me before we both close our doors. I crash into bed and get the best sleep I've had in weeks.

Word count 807.

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