Revenge isn't always Sweet

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                    Hope awoke to the distant clop of hooves along the ground and squeals of pigs their heavy robust bodies barging at a wooden door of some kind. She blinked, once, than twice to chase away the dots appearing in her vision and sat up with great difficulty. Her arms bound tightly behind her back with a coarse rope digging into the fragile flesh of her wrists. With a quick glance around she was in a barn of some kind atop a high platform with a ramp leading up to it made from crudely banged together scraps of wood. Underneath was a wide open pit the ground covered in saw dust and sand. Sitting towards the middle was a metal bar with a dummy tied to it. It's head lolled forward and around the chest were straps of meat and steak. Towards the side near the massive barn doors was a container of some sort, a stall that held a stampede of snorting boar. Their fur bristled in frustration and tusks ramming into the door that kept them from getting food. It smelled strongly of wild stock and feces with the faint odor of blood wafting in to mix with it. Their squeals reaching a higher pitch when a screaming auto tape was played and the boars were released. In an instantly their portly bodies latched onto the hanging dummy. Tearing away the straw face with dull teeth and tusks puncturing into the stomach with ease. Killer machines wasting no time to tear into it until all that was left were shreds of a potato sack used to make the outer cover and pieces of hay littering the ground. With their meal gone the pigs began to snort and stomp in a mock tantrum before forced inside their stall once more with a cattle prod that when touched to their rumps caused them to erupt into squeals. 

                  Hope scrambled tentatively away from the edge of the wood platform towards a railing and sat still wondering with wide eyes what was going on. Where was she?! Suddenly a sound broke her from the haze and from the ramp came a wheel chair bound Mason Verger carted around by a bulky nurse. The nurse wore an all white jumpsuit and shared an expression of empathy but also terror. Sensing the danger of the man he cared for but at the same time feeling for the woman bound before the mighty boars. Mason seemed quite pleased today, wearing a neatly tucked in black pinstripe suit with all wrinkles carefully ironed out and the top buttons on the shirt undone to allow space for his heart machine to poke out. It beeped rapidly in an attempt to slow and calm the increasing acceleration of his organs in the excitement. With the claw-like pale hand poking out from the folded cuffs of his suit, he motioned to the barn doors battered from the heavy bodies slamming into it repeatedly. 

"Excuse the rude awakening. But you simply had to witness the show! You see Hannibal's gonna be standing in the way of that dummy soon. And you get to see it all. Quite the spectacle won't it be?" His mechanical voice hitched on a few syllables struggling to keep up with the fast pace of his tumbling words. A low buzz in the background as it began to overheat from the effort and the man behind him stepped forward to adjust some settings. 

"Why did you bring me here to witness this? What is it you want from me Mr. Verger? I have done no wrongs to you." Hope spoke in a hoarse whisper, her throat badly damaged from the inhalation of chemicals and scratchy from screaming during the struggle. Their was a dull pain in her leg and staring down at it now she saw diagonal slashes along the smooth flesh done by the man in the bristled hat when he grew tired of receiving kicks to the face. Someone had wrapped it up with white bandages, she had a suspicion it was the male orderly. 

"Your right. You've done no wrongs to me.. Sadly Hannibal seems to adore you. Dreadful to admit it but I simply have to kill you for that fact. I want to watch the agony on his face before being consumed by the boars. Similar to how he watched me toil from the rope while feeding my face to the dogs." His tone was rougher now, angry and bitter for what had been done to him and he had to take several pauses between the monologue when his breath ran out from the sheer volume and effort exerted. 

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