Start from the beginning

"I guess I could pass out candy in one of the rooms if I wanted to." Laughing Jack said.

"I'm in. Only for Sally, though." BEN stated.

You turned to Slender. "So...?"

"I suppose you can. But you guys must get all the decorations and set it all up." Slender said.

The very next day, all of the mansion's occupants left to get decorations and props- including Slender, who seemed to be a little excited himself.

*flashback ends*

Everyone was in their places, making sure everything was ready. 15 minutes till it opened up.

Your convinced one of your close friends, (f/n), to help out. She was skeptical of the Creepypasta's appearances, but you told her it was all special effects and makeup. (F/n) was stationed outside, to gather kids' attention and send them inside. Eventually, she would leave, after it was clear that this house was a haunted house.

All the Creepypasta's were posted in different rooms and areas, in which the victims would pass through. It started in the basement, looped around the house and the upstairs, ending at the back door.

Black sheets were strung up all over, creating the halls and path through the haunted house. Spider webs were strewn all over, skulls and bones, along with blood and other horror props, were scattered on the floor, looking more realistic than you thought they would.

Everyone was in position- Jeff was in the attic, while you were right by the stairs leading up to it, hidden in the shadows.

Many groups of kids and teens passed through, and each time, you scared them more and more.

Finally, an hour and a half later, a group of guys walked towards the stairs.

You gently scratched the wall, making the boys all murmur and walk slower.

As they got closer, you jumped out, making the group jump.

You smelled a strong scent of alcohol as one of the boys got closer to you. He leaned in, peering at your face. "You're probably cute without that scary makeup... And probably even better without those clothes on..."

You, out of disgust, shoved the male back roughly, turning around.

You felt an arm roughly grip your wrist, as you were pulled up the stairs, into the attic by the boy, the rest of the group following.

You were pushed down onto the floor, as you glared at the boy, who brought out a pocketknife.

"You're gunna regret pushing me, girl." He muttered.

Your eyes searched the area for Jeff, not finding him anywhere. You frowned and stood up.

You knew you didn't have a weapon with you. Sally made everyone promise not to kill anyone who came through the haunted house because she wanted everything to run smoothly. So naturally, you didn't bring your knife.

You regretted that choice now.

"Look, I didn't do anything wrong. It's not-" You started, being cut off by a hard slap.

The male glared at you. "Shut up. You asked for this." He staggered towards you slightly, aiming his pocketknife at your throat.

The boy was suddenly shoved to the side, and pinned to the ground by... Jeff?

You smiled slightly. Of course Jeff would bring a knife. He always did.

A painful scream erupted from the teen male, followed by a gurgling choking sound. Jeff had his back facing you so you didn't see what he was doing. You could tell though, by the noises and whimpers of pain you heard.

Love Is A Psychopath [Jeff the Killer X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now