Chapter 1

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"Boo!" Anthony shouted.

"Shut up!" Roseabeth joked, punching him in the arm. Being with him was the best. Espescially in such a special place. She gazed out into the distance.

"So we jumping off this cliff or what?" Anthony reminded her. Smirking, he looked straight into her dark, forest green eyes. They were mesmerising.

“Duh! Going back down isn’t an option. Not from here anyways.”

Anthony chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. They sat in silence, enjoying one another’s company for a few minutes longer before Anthony realized what she was doing.

“You’re stalling.” He smirked. 

 "Oh please, you know I'm not scared of the fall!" She retorted. His dark emerald eyes having a glint of playfulness about them.

Rosabeth stood up and pulled Anthony up with her. They took one more minute to enjoy the sunset before Rosabeth took his hand.

She pulled him off the cliff with her, and into the water. As they were falling they felt the salty air past their faces and the lake water hit their bodies. And in that moment, they felt like they were the only two people in the entire world. 

Eventually, they came up for air, swimming to the side where a path of rocks and the trees lie. Anthony got on the rocks then pulled Rosabeth up next to him. She rang her black hair out back into the water as Anthony shook his blond hair side to side. Together, they gazed out into the distance, admiring the wonderful moments the summer has brought for them. Rosabeth turned her head to look at Anthony. And he looked at her. And slowly, they connected, and kissed.

As she pulled away they smiled at one another and embraced. No way she would ever let this go. The sun set, and the world quieted. Making for just as perfect night as either of them could ask for. 

“That was fun.” Rosabeth commented.

Anthony smiled.

It was perfect.

Thanks for reading!
Edited by ghostlystarsx

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