Name: Coral
Age: 6
Sexuality: None
Gender: Female
Backstory: Coral's mum and dad got in an argument a lot so they both split apart and Coral lived with her father for 2 years and when she was actually taking a walk with her dad she fell down to the underground and had her teddy bear

Looks: Red skirt, black shirt with oversized sleeves, light brown hair, yellow eyes, fair skin and wears no shoes or socks when she fell down

Likes: Playing the child games, light colors, her teddy bear (that has the little choker necklace labeled: Teddy), warm places other than hotland

Dislikes: The super hot places, the mean people, Genocide, Neutral routes

Personality: Quiet, kind, patient, determined, brave and playful

Soul color: Green
Soul trait: Kindness

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