Chapter 9: Of punches and Bosses(Part 2)

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Chapter 9(Part two)

I was perched on a stool in Brian’s hospital room my head resting on my palms to reduce the throbbing headache that threatened to burst my head.

“Go home, take some Tylenol and rest,” Brian said irritably.

“Not until I have a talk with you people,” I snapped back.

“You are disturbingly stubborn!” he exclaimed.

I raised my head and glared at him. He shut his mouth realizing my temper was on the high.

Just then the door opened and Nathan burst in with Susan following him.

Their gloomy expressions were proof enough that they shared my mood.

“Does someone need to tell me something, why are all of you looking so sour?” Brian asked, looking from one to the other.

“Because we have to take orders from Rachael Weiss!” I exclaimed.

“What? WHAT?”

“Yes, buddy that’s true,” Nathan quipped in, looking gloom.

“How? Why? What happened?” Brian asked flustered.

“Connelly thinks I am incapable of leadership and can’t handle the pressure that comes with it, so from now on we work under her,” I replied.

There was an eerie silence after my speech, Brian kept looking at me with sympathy and the other two stood staring at their feet. Everyone was gloomy. Over the span of a year, the time that the four of us had been working together, we had become great friends and shared a close bond.

Each one knew what the other’s weakness and strength was.  When one was stuck up in a tough situation the other was always ready to extend a helping hand.

To allow an outsider to enter our close knit group was unacceptable by us all.

“Things are going to be alright, Crystal,” Brian said in a soothing voice.

“When?” I asked, my voice filled with an unreadable emotion.

“We just have to get rid of this Christopher Reese case, and then life is going to return back to normal,” he said.

“For that we need to get hold of him, Brian,” I answered dejectedly, “and that seems like an unachievable feat,”

“Don’t lose hope, Crystal, success comes in unexpected ways,” Brian smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

“I hope it does Brian, I hope it does,” I sighed.

Just then, Susan’s cell-phone rang loudly, startling the living day lights out of me as I had been lost in my own thoughts.

“Guys, I need to hurry home, some family matters. Nathan you need to come with me, it concerns you too,” Susan said to us after talking on the phone for a few minutes.

Saying so, she hurried out pulling Nathan after her.

I squinted my eyes at their retreating backs and thought, “Family matter that concerns Nathan, strange,”

“Yeah, seriously strange,” Brian replied comically, imitating my voice.

“Did I say that out loud?”

“Yep, you sure did,” Brian smiled.

I smiled back, and both of us burst into fits of laughter thinking about Susan and Nathan’s attempts at hiding their relation from us. It was downright hilarious.

“I need to leave too, pending work,” I replied in between giggles.

“Yeah, ok, bye,” Brian replied, smiling.

“Bye,” I said, giving him a quick hug.

“I miss the Crystal that used to laugh and crack jokes you know,” Brian said, giving me a serious look.

I pursed my lips, “See you tomorrow, Brian,”

Saying so I hurried out of his room and made my way to my car, I needed to stop pressurizing myself so much.


 I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for the late update:(

I had been too occupied...with college and stuffs

But, I promise now that i have restarted it...I am going to upload every week...

Love you all for your patience:)





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